Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.
V 1.0...
I'm looking forward immensely to 1.0 version of Vanilla (maybe soon?) but am a little worried about installation / upgrading.
It was only after I had installed and implemented that I realised there was a newer, beta, version. I tried my hand upgrading to this and failed miserably - it was not within my ability.
So here is my question, how will the upgrade process for V 1.0 work? Will it be simple or will there be lots of messing around in the code to be done?
Basically, will us non-techy types have to start over from scratch?
This discussion has been closed.
I'm not entirely familiar with all the ways they do things, but I'm slowly learning to hate some of the predefined and unecessary markup they've injected into the core of this wee-beasty. However I do like the simplicity and flexibility with some of these function calls that really doesn't require me to focus on having to do heavy programming.
Here's just one of the functions in question:
Now, the problem with the above function for example is this: if you throw that bit of code into a neatly packed area, all appears well. Until you decide to password protect the post, this is when all hell breaks loose blowing holes in your markup. What was once stored in a nice compliant unordered list expecting to display a link with JUST a numerical count is now torn apart with unformatted text, a form outside of it and the style which you thought was perfect is now fubar.
It's a bit like driving home completely wasted without knowing where the hell you are. Nowhere in the documentation or even the rest of the site for that matter could I find anything relevant pertaining to this event or how to modify it's output without hacking apart the source. I don't want to hack source, because, the moment a new update came out, I would be forced to do it again, and frankly I don't have enough spare time to invest in something of that scale each time a new release comes out. The forums there I've learned don't appear too helpful either and sadly, attempting to contact any dev with legitimate questions go unanswered.
It's easy to work with, I'll give it that, but this applications functions seem to suffer from the same progressive redundancy as php itself does and that doesn't appear too promising. If there's two things I'd love fixed with WP, it would be in the following order:
1. Weed out all the default markup from the core and move it into the template tag parameters. Or only display it if a parameter isn't present.
2. Consolidate all like template tags into one universal tag, even if there are a billion parameters, I wouldn't care so long as I can control every aspect of how things output.
If I had a third wish, it would be to document stupid shit like this in the event I enable something again and next time be prepared for it to break my lovely code.
-end rant.
You're my hero mark.