I'd like to request this thread be closed as it has gone way off topic... and I'd also like to have the add-on removed from the directory, so no more people download. That way I can continue to tinker on Github without worrying about someone mucking up their install
But back to your question. @underdog can close this.
and you can change your description: Just say this in the addon page description
for your plugin
in bold.
"Do Not Download this Plugin" -
I am working on an upgrade - check back in a few weeks (months).
Sometime its takes a long time to get a plugin removed, you need to make a special request to the guys in charge.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine, good thought-- I will update the details further. @underdog, can you close this thread? I think if there needs to be a discussion it should be in a new topic.
@peregrine, I am actually adding "Alpha Release. This add-on should not be downloaded." I thought a lot about what @x00 said and I think it's best to wait until Vanilla matures. I also do not have the time to support it and it's likely to need major support, which is hard for a free add-on. (As I am sure you can attest to...)
@adriansonline said:
peregrine, I am actually adding "Alpha Release. This add-on should not be downloaded." I thought a lot about what x00 said and I think it's best to wait until Vanilla matures. I also do not have the time to support it and it's likely to need major support, which is hard for a free add-on, as I am sure you have seen...
well you could make a request to find sponsors to fund at least a fraction of the hours that you put into developing, thats what I try to do, and I consider it entirely valid. Everyone has their own business model and ways of finding income, and I don't think that asking for sponsors as well as donations for a plugin, is bad or evil. After all, you may have spent hundreds of hours or more to develop (consider sphinx plugin), the community should be honored that you even wrote the plugin and should feel inclined to donate, if that is what you requested. It's an honor thing, if you state you expect a certain donated amount for use of your plugin and they use it and don't donate (well it's their karma, do unto others ...). and I don't think a $10 donation form a forum owner is going to make them go to the poor house. But if they don't donate you may go to the poor house.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine said: Everyone ha there own business model and ways of finding income, and i don't think that asking for sponsors as well as donations for a plugin, is bad or evil.
Yea, I understand your POV. I think, in truth, this is a plugin which is more than I can handle alone. I might tinker away on Github when I have time. In this way I can do it at my own pace. I have a lot of other projects & add-ons I want to work on which are not as resource intensive. Sometimes, it's not only about money, its about your name/reputation too. I don't want to work on it, if I can't give it 110%
@adriansonline said:
But back to your question. @underdog can close this.
and you can change your description: Just say this in the addon page description
for your plugin
in bold.
"Do Not Download this Plugin" -
I am working on an upgrade - check back in a few weeks (months).
Sometime its takes a long time to get a plugin removed, you need to make a special request to the guys in charge.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine, good thought-- I will update the details further. @underdog, can you close this thread? I think if there needs to be a discussion it should be in a new topic.
@peregrine, I am actually adding "Alpha Release. This add-on should not be downloaded." I thought a lot about what @x00 said and I think it's best to wait until Vanilla matures. I also do not have the time to support it and it's likely to need major support, which is hard for a free add-on. (As I am sure you can attest to...)
well you could make a request to find sponsors to fund at least a fraction of the hours that you put into developing, thats what I try to do, and I consider it entirely valid. Everyone has their own business model and ways of finding income, and I don't think that asking for sponsors as well as donations for a plugin, is bad or evil. After all, you may have spent hundreds of hours or more to develop (consider sphinx plugin), the community should be honored that you even wrote the plugin and should feel inclined to donate, if that is what you requested. It's an honor thing, if you state you expect a certain donated amount for use of your plugin and they use it and don't donate (well it's their karma, do unto others ...). and I don't think a $10 donation form a forum owner is going to make them go to the poor house. But if they don't donate you may go to the poor house.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yea, I understand your POV. I think, in truth, this is a plugin which is more than I can handle alone. I might tinker away on Github when I have time. In this way I can do it at my own pace. I have a lot of other projects & add-ons I want to work on which are not as resource intensive. Sometimes, it's not only about money, its about your name/reputation too. I don't want to work on it, if I can't give it 110%
ok thanks when i feel brave i'll have a go.
@DenisS don't at this point. It is not recommended . @underdog can you close this thread. It has gone way off topic