Limit the number of files that can be loaded and the file type to only allow images in FileUpload

edited March 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

How to limit the number of files that can be loaded and the file type to only allow images using FileUpload?

I want to use File Upload to upload a picture for each discussion and show the pictures in the Discussions Board.

Wich one is the best way to do that?



  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    We don't currently have a way to limit the number of files, but you can limit the file extensions with the following config:

    $Configuration['Garden']['Upload']['AllowedFileExtensions'] = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png');
  • which file we need to do this modification?

  • Hi
    After a dig on finding where i can set up the allowed file extensions on fileupload plugin, i´ve realised that the file where we have to set is /conf/config-defaults.php

    Around line 81 $Configuration['Garden']['Upload']['AllowedFileExtensions'] = array('txt','jpg','jpeg','gif','png','bmp','tiff','zip','gz','tar.gz','tgz','psd','ai','fla','swf','pdf','doc','xls','ppt','docx','xlsx','log','rar','7z');

  • HalfCatHalfCat ✭✭
    edited November 2012

    @wilsoncortez: no, never edit the config-defaults.php, instead edit the /conf/config.php as also specified in the readme file in that folder.

  • no, never edit the config-defaults.php, instead edit the /conf/config.php as also specified in the readme file in that folder.

    Oops, sorry. I´ve read it now. But HalfCat this line mentioned by Todd isn´t on that file. Do I need to insert it in order to get control of extensions?

    Second sorry if someone got my misleading comments :-(

    Thank You HalfCat and if some MOD wants to delete my original post in order to get things right, please go on

  • @HalfCat forget to ask one ;)

    Does the the "/conf/config.php" override the config-defaults.php?


  • Yes. If it isn't there, just add it.

  • edited November 2012

    @HalfCat Thank you HalfCat :)

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