How to disable automatic links in code
#Text in posts automatically links to the search results page for the word 'Text'
@Text in posts automatically links to the profile page of the user with username 'Text'
This is very useful, but not inside code blocks. When I use '@import' in CSS, that text is automatically linked to a user profile, and #ID... you know the drill.
How can I disable this in 'code' and 'pre' blocks? has anyone given a thought to it? If not possible, I would like to disable them completely.
Best Answers
peregrine MVP
should remove both #hashtags and mentions @badlearner at least in
$Configuration['Garden']['Format']['Mentions'] = FALSE; $Configuration['Garden']['Format']['Hashtags'] = FALSE;
If you want to test for a code and pre blocks you probably need to reprogram
/library/core/class.format.php - search for mentions and hashtags and do a preg match conditional on string and test for code and pre matches to skip the routine.I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
0 -
peregrine MVP
in assuming you don't add
$Configuration['Garden']['Format']['Mentions'] = FALSE;
and you want to selectively filter out @ only if code or pre statements exist
// Handle @mentions. if(C('Garden.Format.Mentions')) { $Mixed = preg_replace( '/(^|[\s,\.>])@(\w{1,50})\b/i', //{3,20} '\1'.Anchor('@\2', '/profile/\\2'), $Mixed ); }
modified - if the word <code or <pre or exists in the body of message than @ is disabled
the i means match any case Code code CODE, etc
// Handle @mentions. if(C('Garden.Format.Mentions')) { if((!preg_match("/<code/i",$Mixed)) && (!preg_match("/<pre/i",$Mixed)) ){ $Mixed = preg_replace( '/(^|[\s,\.>])@(\w{1,50})\b/i', //{3,20} '\1'.Anchor('@\2', '/profile/\\2'), $Mixed ); } }
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
should remove both #hashtags and mentions @badlearner at least in
If you want to test for a code and pre blocks you probably need to reprogram
/library/core/class.format.php - search for mentions and hashtags and do a preg match conditional on string and test for code and pre matches to skip the routine.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
in assuming you don't add
$Configuration['Garden']['Format']['Mentions'] = FALSE;
and you want to selectively filter out @ only if code or pre statements exist
modified - if the word <code or <pre or exists in the body of message than @ is disabled
the i means match any case Code code CODE, etc
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine : You're awesome. Thanks a lot!
glad you liked it
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.