
Okay. No one understood what i wanted. All i want is for one catagory called "Ban Appeals" to have a special post discussion box. I want it to have it so that the "Discussion Title"box is hidden, only showing the discussion body box. But when the user posts the discussion, the title of the discussion will become the discussion posters UserName on the forum.
Thank you.
Best Answer
peregrine MVP
The old version didn't work exactly the way I wanted so this version should be suitable.
version 1.1 that actually works and is configurable with config.php. Instructions in details at addon.disregard the $notitle in previous message and use these instructions:
to suppress titles in the "Good Food" category.add this to config.php under //plugins
in the file /vanilla/config.php
$Configuration['Plugins']['HideTitle']['NoTitleCat'] = 'Good Food';
or if the category to suppress titles is named Questions
$Configuration['Plugins']['HideTitle']['NoTitleCat'] = 'Questions';
note: it will only suppress the title when you choose that specific category to view.
In General Discussions which includes all categories it keeps the title even for that category. I didn't know what you wanted.I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
That doesn't sound too hard, are you asking for tips on how to make your own plugin or looking for someone to design it for you?
I would love for someone to do it for me (sorry). I have no clue how to mod vanilla.
Sorry, this is something I do not want to pay for. If its going to cost me money, I may aswell get tips and help to make it myself.
tips read up plugins.
you are going to have hook the post controller, and check it applies, then replace the field as appropriate. To disable the title the only way you would be able to do this realistically is with a javascript, supplying the lookup, through a definition, which could be easily parsed like JSON. then disable based on change on the category dropdown.
that is pretty much it in terms of tips.
grep is your friend.
Well. I think im not going to worry about it anymore. Just too hard.
Sometimes I wonder why people don't look at hbf's wonderful documentation on vanilla.
$noTitle = strtolower("My Category Name");
$noTitle = strtolower("Ban Appeals");
in the plugin I created special for you
I sure hope you click the like button.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thank You so much.
Clicked LIKE
There was an error rendering this rich post.
The old version didn't work exactly the way I wanted so this version should be suitable.
version 1.1 that actually works and is configurable with config.php. Instructions in details at addon.
disregard the $notitle in previous message and use these instructions:
to suppress titles in the "Good Food" category.
add this to config.php under //plugins
in the file /vanilla/config.php
$Configuration['Plugins']['HideTitle']['NoTitleCat'] = 'Good Food';
or if the category to suppress titles is named Questions
$Configuration['Plugins']['HideTitle']['NoTitleCat'] = 'Questions';
note: it will only suppress the title when you choose that specific category to view.
In General Discussions which includes all categories it keeps the title even for that category. I didn't know what you wanted.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Seeing the title is hidden. Is it posible to accually when they're posting to remove the title box and post the discussion with a title of "Good Food" automaticly?
If you dont understand let me know.
I am not sure what you are after - it now seems to be changing.
You seem to indicate you want the same subject for all the discussions in a particular category.
if you are looking to have one category - that has only one subject in it, where people can only add comments.
Use x00's Category Heading plugin - create a category - start a discussion and then lock it.
users can still add comments to the category they just can't add a new discussion in the category. Or you could create multiple categories that are nested and start one discussion in each and lock them down - that would probably give you what you want. as far as modifying the plugin - maybe some day in the future but not right now, unless it appears to be a simple thing to figure out.
now you have a start in learning how to write or modify a plugin (also see the documentation).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Sorry, I mean when the discussion is posted I wouldd like the title to come out as "Good Food" instead of nothing.
Thanks... but I want everyone to treat it as Thier documentation... I need all you up and coming Vanilla coders and themers to start capturing all of your great tips and tricks over there, I can't do it alone (nor should I, im not really an expert at any of this).
and on that note here's the address for reference
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
So you want every discussion to have the same title as the category? Is that right.
Can I ask why and how it will help the users.
there could be 100's of discussions with the same title as the category name. You must have a reason, but it seems really confusing.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Because this will keep it tidy for the stuff im going to be using this for. It may sound confusing but really its not. I origianaly wanted the title of each discusssion to be "Ban Appeal [username]. [username] being the username of the poster on the forum. If thats possible it would be great.
I haven't researched the posting information, so it may be awhile, if I can figure it out at all. I don't like to muck with writing to the vanilla database with a plugin because it has to be absolutely correct, with no room for error.
In the meantime check out
I can't promise you anything.
Maybe somebody else will chime in with an answer or a mod.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
One of the mistakes people make is fixation on the first solution that comes to mind.
it a good idea to go back think about what you want to achieve in the broadest terms with ban appeals.
If you are goign to be producing plugins, then you need php knowledge as a prerequisite. So get a book or do a course.
grep is your friend.
this is the what I can do at the time - give it a try. It will only deal with titles in the "Banned appeals Category" while viewing within the "Banned appeals Category". I don't like the idea of writing to the database this modifies on the fly no matter what the user posted in the discussion title and will retain the original title in the database.
replace line 26 with the following in the plugin - file is called default.php
and follow x00's suggestion on reading up on php, css, and jQuery.
If essentially you want the originator of the message you could use either of these two plugins which as above will display the originator of the discussion.
it will display the originator of the discussion in addition to the last replier.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
this is what i get
PHP Error Message
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/a1968065/public_html/forum/plugins/HideTitle/default.php on line 26
start from original file and replace this line (the post above had an unintentional bracket)
echo sprintf(' <a href="/vanilla/index.php?p=/discussion/' . $did . '/x/p1' . '">' .$urlCategory .' = ' . $Object->FirstName . '</a>');
the entire function should look like this
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.