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Manage Extensions not working

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just installed Vanilla and trying to get it to work. I'm having a problem with Extensions: When I go into "Manage Extensions" I only see one extension, but that extension is repeated 13 times (total 14 entries of the exact same) – there are a total of 15 extensions in the extensions-folder on my webpage. I've tried changing permissions on both extensions.php and the whole extensions-folder including the files in it but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?


  • And scroll down to known bugs
  • /me touches his nose and points to droozie
  • /me touches his nose and flies up the chimney
  • /me touches his nose and sneezes
  • Thanks! That did it!
  • scraches my ass @ after reparing permissions, I notice the enable/disable extensions isn't working, and the files are all 777 is that an ajax thing how the extensions get turned on ? mark suggests chmon conf/ to 777 and open it up but is that not risky ? also he recommends to have webserver own all files what does that mean, is this the prefered method for all web files ? how does that related to the admin priviledges can they still edit the file of www own it ?
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