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Big News. Please Read.

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    edited April 2006
    You're not supposed to do April's Fools jokes past 12am mate! xD (edit) Sorry to ruin your post soon soon though :X feel free to delete this haha
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I got it in just before lunchtime my time. Dammit :P
  • Meh, April Fools just don't fool me anymore.
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    edited April 2006
    I admit I was worried when I first read it, very worried, but then realised you were a big muppet who'd posted after my lunchtime, haha.

    Nice to see you're continuing though!

    /gives mark a big hug
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hey, did you guys catch the zombie posts on gizmodo? hahaha
  • NickENickE New
    edited April 2006
    My favorite is still the hot pink 'OMG PONIES!' slashdot theme, in addition to some of the bogus articles.
  • Yeah, /.'s was good. lol @ these too -
  • Oh yeah, and there was the Opera one as well.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • thats a little harsh.
  • edited April 2006
    By far, the funniest thing I read all day was this.

    I actually believed it until halfway down the page, when they named the technique.

    EDIT: And this wins cuteness points.
  • Ha ha. My bros bday is on the 1st, just realised i totally forgot to pull a prank on him, doh! Ah well maybe next year!
  • Ps. Just posted that from my nokia7610 and in bed! Didn't use to work from this until recently...
  • @3stripe If only mobile internet wasn't *so* fucking expensive. I've posted a few threads from my phone. Just need a phone that can handle mobile opera (so i can zoom and stuff)
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited April 2006
    Know what ya mean, I don't make a habit of it... although signed up for Shozu ( ) for uploading my moby pics to Flickr ( ) recently and starting to get addicted to that! (PS. tried to download opera mobile and failed twice, that'll mean a nice hefty bill next month!)
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