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I hate forum nazis.

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
They make online not fun, why can't they have fun too?


  • edited April 2006
    This is the wrong category for this thread.
  • I agree, should be placed in stickies.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    who's being a forum nazi?
  • lechlech
    edited April 2006
  • Sieg Heil!
  • I hate nazis in general.
  • Its good we all got Mark, who loves us more :-)
  • I have seen no such forum nazi's here.
  • I see nothinnnnngggg!
  • :P I have yet to see any here. I don't think c-unit was talking about here? I don't get it.
  • I'm generally an evil person, but not so much as evil as "Nazi evil", more evil like permanent marker or removable tattoo.
  • No, luckily all forum nazis at Lussumo we're killed by ninjas, do not fear Lussumo is well protected. I was merely complaining about the forum nazis that have invaded other online places.
  • Ninja have no honor, embrace the way of the Samurai or I shall kill you for your dirty deeds.
  • Kosmo - evil like getting a furniture sales guy to prove the stain resistance of a sofa by drawing on it in permanent marker - only to find that their "impervious to anything" stain resistance doesn't apply to permanent marker, and then leaving without buying the (now drawn on) sofa because it isn't stain resistant enough? (Hey, HE was the one who tried to convince me nothing a child could do would stain the fabric, HE suggested the permanent marker trial. I only said I'd think about it if it passed the marker test. LOL Wonder if anyone ever bought that decorated sofa ...)
  • Well.. it was an evil sofa anyway, and the sales person propably did something earlier to deserve you setting him straight. So all in all, I think it was a learning experience, one that most likely gained you a level in sofa inking, profession neatly tied to cat chasing and milk spilling. You have done well my apprentice.
  • That sounds good to me. When I'm shopping for a sofa I'll certainly try and do that myself.
  • Sad part was we TOLD him were weren't interested in BUYING anything at the time ... just looking. I love to mess with those high pressure sales places. LOL It's a past time. There's a certain joy to saying no after they use every trick they have to try to convince you to say yes. :P
  • did i just read 'evil sofa'? just checking.
  • Yes, evil sofas are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
  • Many know my no tolerance policy against malevolent reclainers, they are the pest of our society and we shall get rid of their kind!
This discussion has been closed.