Bug? Latest comments doesn't fit in layout

I use the standard default layout for vanilla 2, but for the "Latest Comments" plugin somehow the layout does not adapt. See my screenshot attached for details:
How can the plugin be changed so it displays the latest comments properly?
Thanks in advance,
Best Answer
I had the same problem with this plugin. The list box for each latest comment was getting calculated at zero height. Comparing with other panel boxes didn't help. So I started fiddling with the css and content. Anyway to cut to the chase I think I've found the simplest solution. You need to add a nonbreaking space in each
box for it to calculate the box height from the line-height property.In the plugin directory open the file class.latestcommentmodule.php
At the moment on line 53 there is the last bit of the html markup for each list
53 </span></strong></li>
You need to add non breaking space at the start of this line.
53 </span></strong></li>
This worked for me and hopeful it'll be of help to others.
I had the same problem with this plugin. The list box for each latest comment was getting calculated at zero height. Comparing with other panel boxes didn't help. So I started fiddling with the css and content. Anyway to cut to the chase I think I've found the simplest solution. You need to add a nonbreaking space in each
box for it to calculate the box height from the line-height property.In the plugin directory open the file class.latestcommentmodule.php
At the moment on line 53 there is the last bit of the html markup for each list
You need to add non breaking space at the start of this line.
This worked for me and hopeful it'll be of help to others.
Thanks, no it works.
Though now I have the problem that the listed "latest comments" don't get refreshed when new comments are written.
Glad to make progress!
I've only just started looking at Vanilla so I'm still finding my way around. The Who's Online plugin has a setting for the refresh rate. When I get time I'll have a look at that plugin and see how that works, or there may be an event triggered when a new comment is made, that could be used to trigger a refresh on this plugin.