[Documentation] [Solved] Password Reset

edited April 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Either I have a problem or I'm missing something here. When you click on the forgot password link on sign in on my forum, it asks for an email address and then should send a new password and reset instructions, however the user receives the email but it only says PasswordRequest. No information and no new password. Is there a setting that I need to change or what is maybe going on? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

  • edited April 2012 Answer ✓

    Well, what I've found is that I had changed out the default locale and that was causing the problem. Instead, I now changed the skeleton locale with the changes I needed and everything is working fine.

    I would mark this as the answer but it won't let me and also mods can close the thread or whatever. Thanks!


  • edited April 2012 Answer ✓

    Well, what I've found is that I had changed out the default locale and that was causing the problem. Instead, I now changed the skeleton locale with the changes I needed and everything is working fine.

    I would mark this as the answer but it won't let me and also mods can close the thread or whatever. Thanks!

  • Hello, I am having the same problem but I am not very sure how did you do it to make it work. Could you please give me detail informations about it ? Thank you

  • What I did was simply edit the skeleton locale file. Instead of creating a new locale which messed things up, I just added to the default one that already exists. Here is an example of what I did http://pastebin.com/mnjmqB1K . You can add as many definitions as you want. Once you are done just make sure to upload and reset the locale or whatever so it will refresh the changes

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