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Catagories option refuses to change

oboyledkoboyledk New
edited April 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm attempting to set the generated categories to the category "Flagged"

After saving it reverts to "General"

Additionally, the generated categories seem to be dropped into an unlabeled category

Best Answer

  • x00x00 MVP
    Answer ✓

    I think you are talking about the Flagging plugin.

    This plugin just notifies, about the the Flagging, it does not change the way the Flagging plugin works, it is purely reactive,

    grep is your friend.


  • x00x00 MVP
    Answer ✓

    I think you are talking about the Flagging plugin.

    This plugin just notifies, about the the Flagging, it does not change the way the Flagging plugin works, it is purely reactive,

    grep is your friend.

  • You are correct,

  • You are correct!
    I think I found my problem

  • grep is your friend.

  • oboyledk said:
    You are correct!
    I think I found my problem

    I was wrong, the Flagging plugin still fails to update my preferences.

    Perhaps it's something in my cache/DB?

    @Tim can you chime in?

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    Turn on the Debugger plugin and see what errors are happening. I didn't write this plugin, I have no idea why I'm being referred to here.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • oboyledkoboyledk New
    edited April 2012

    Thanks Tim, I was under the impression you wrote "Flagging" which is the plugin causing the issue.
    I posted this question under the wrong plugin by mistake.

    I've turned on debugging,
    I don't really know what I'm looking for here,

    14 queries in 0.0065321922302246s
    Gdn_Model->GetWhere(array('UserID' => '1'))0.000835s
    select *
    from GDN_User User
    where UserID = '1';
    select *
    from GDN_Permission Permission
    limit 1;
    select MAX(p.`PermissionID`) as `PermissionID`, MAX(p.`Garden.Email.Manage`) as `Garden.Email.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Settings.Manage`) as `Garden.Settings.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Settings.View`) as `Garden.Settings.View`, MAX(p.`Garden.Routes.Manage`) as `Garden.Routes.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Messages.Manage`) as `Garden.Messages.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Applications.Manage`) as `Garden.Applications.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Plugins.Manage`) as `Garden.Plugins.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Themes.Manage`) as `Garden.Themes.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.SignIn.Allow`) as `Garden.SignIn.Allow`, MAX(p.`Garden.Registration.Manage`) as `Garden.Registration.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Applicants.Manage`) as `Garden.Applicants.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Roles.Manage`) as `Garden.Roles.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.Users.Add`) as `Garden.Users.Add`, MAX(p.`Garden.Users.Edit`) as `Garden.Users.Edit`, MAX(p.`Garden.Users.Delete`) as `Garden.Users.Delete`, MAX(p.`Garden.Users.Approve`) as `Garden.Users.Approve`, MAX(p.`Garden.Activity.Delete`) as `Garden.Activity.Delete`, MAX(p.`Garden.Activity.View`) as `Garden.Activity.View`, MAX(p.`Garden.Profiles.View`) as `Garden.Profiles.View`, MAX(p.`Garden.Profiles.Edit`) as `Garden.Profiles.Edit`, MAX(p.`Garden.Moderation.Manage`) as `Garden.Moderation.Manage`, MAX(p.`Garden.AdvancedNotifications.Allow`) as `Garden.AdvancedNotifications.Allow`, MAX(p.`Conversations.Moderation.Manage`) as `Conversations.Moderation.Manage`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Settings.Manage`) as `Vanilla.Settings.Manage`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Categories.Manage`) as `Vanilla.Categories.Manage`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Spam.Manage`) as `Vanilla.Spam.Manage`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.View`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.View`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Add`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Add`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Edit`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Edit`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Announce`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Announce`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Sink`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Sink`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Close`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Close`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Discussions.Delete`) as `Vanilla.Discussions.Delete`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Comments.Add`) as `Vanilla.Comments.Add`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Comments.Edit`) as `Vanilla.Comments.Edit`, MAX(p.`Vanilla.Comments.Delete`) as `Vanilla.Comments.Delete`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Hellbanned.Comments.View`) as `Plugins.Hellbanned.Comments.View`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Hellbanned.Discussions.View`) as `Plugins.Hellbanned.Discussions.View`, MAX(p.`Plugins.KarmaBank.RewardTax`) as `Plugins.KarmaBank.RewardTax`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow`) as `Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow`) as `Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.AllowRawFormat.Allow`) as `Plugins.AllowRawFormat.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Signatures.Edit`) as `Plugins.Signatures.Edit`, MAX(p.`Plugins.WhosOnline.ViewHidden`) as `Plugins.WhosOnline.ViewHidden`, MAX(p.`Plugins.WhosOnline.Manage`) as `Plugins.WhosOnline.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.CivilTongue.Manage`) as `Plugins.CivilTongue.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Whispers.Allow`) as `Plugins.Whispers.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.Wysiwyg.Allow`) as `Plugins.ElRte.Wysiwyg.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Allow`) as `Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Allow`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Root`) as `Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Root`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Read`) as `Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Read`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Write`) as `Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Write`, MAX(p.`Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Remove`) as `Plugins.ElRte.FileManager.Files.Remove`, MAX(p.`Plugins.EMailNotification.Send`) as `Plugins.EMailNotification.Send`, MAX(p.`Plugins.kPoll.Manage`) as `Plugins.kPoll.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Poll.Manage`) as `Plugins.Poll.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Poll.View`) as `Plugins.Poll.View`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Poll.Delete`) as `Plugins.Poll.Delete`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Van2Shout.View`) as `Plugins.Van2Shout.View`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Van2Shout.Post`) as `Plugins.Van2Shout.Post`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Van2Shout.Delete`) as `Plugins.Van2Shout.Delete`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Van2Shout.ViewHistory`) as `Plugins.Van2Shout.ViewHistory`, MAX(p.`Faq.Settings.Manage`) as `Faq.Settings.Manage`, MAX(p.`Faq.Questions.Edit`) as `Faq.Questions.Edit`, MAX(p.`Faq.Questions.Delete`) as `Faq.Questions.Delete`, MAX(p.`Faq.Questions.Browse`) as `Faq.Questions.Browse`, MAX(p.`Faq.Categories.Browse`) as `Faq.Categories.Browse`, MAX(p.`Faq.Categories.Edit`) as `Faq.Categories.Edit`, MAX(p.`Faq.Categories.Delete`) as `Faq.Categories.Delete`, MAX(p.`Garden.Formatting.Manage`) as `Garden.Formatting.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Pockets.Manage`) as `Plugins.Pockets.Manage`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Flagging.Notify`) as `Plugins.Flagging.Notify`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Debugger.View`) as `Plugins.Debugger.View`, MAX(p.`Plugins.Debugger.Manage`) as `Plugins.Debugger.Manage`, p.JunctionTable as `JunctionTable`, p.JunctionColumn as `JunctionColumn`, p.JunctionID as `JunctionID`
    from GDN_Permission p
    join GDN_UserRole ur on p.RoleID = ur.RoleID
    where ur.UserID = '1'
    group by p.JunctionTable, p.JunctionColumn, p.JunctionID;
    show tables like 'GDN_PremiumLog';
    show columns from `GDN_PremiumLog`;
    show indexes from GDN_PremiumLog;
    show tables like 'GDN_User';
    show columns from `GDN_User`;
    show indexes from GDN_User;
    FlaggingPlugin->Base_GetAppSettingsMenuItems_Handler(?OBJECT?, array('SideMenu' => ?OBJECT?), 'base_getappsettingsmenuitems_handler')0.001961s
    select DISTINCT(fl.ForeignID) as `NumFlaggedItems`
    from GDN_Flag fl
    group by ForeignURL;
    select *
    from GDN_Flag fl
    order by DateInserted desc;
    UserMetaModel->GetUserMeta(0, 'Garden.Analytics.Throttle', 0)0.000110s
    select *
    from GDN_UserMeta u
    where u.UserID = '0'
     and u.Name = 'Garden.Analytics.Throttle';
    select c.*, lc.DateInserted as `DateLastComment`
    from GDN_Category c
    left join GDN_Comment lc on c.LastCommentID = lc.CommentID
    order by c.TreeLeft asc;
    CategoryModel::JoinUserData(array(9), 1)0.000097s
    select *
    from GDN_UserCategory UserCategory
    where UserID = '1';
    Controller Data
    Title: 'Content Flagging'
    CssClass: 'Dashboard Plugin flagging '
    Page completed in 1.1114s
  • 'Author' => "Tim Gunter"

    Flagging Plugin


    is it possible that your config could have been saves with he wrong permission and is not writeable?

    grep is your friend.

  • It would certainly seem that way x00

    After reviewing though, permissions are set correctly, and I am able to edit the file by changing settings in vanilla.

    Very Odd. The Flagging plugin worked at first, but not just dumps the generated discissions into a nameless catagory. It's as if it's unable to store the value regarding what catagory to use.

    I wonder where that value is stored? in the plugin? in the config? in the DB?
    @tim As Flagging it your plugin would you be able to state the storage location?

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited April 2012


    grep is your friend.

  • Thanks Paul.
    Still no luck, maybe I"ll wipe out and rebuild my config file/reload the plugin

  • are you using memcached?

    grep is your friend.

  • Yes, actually we turned that on about the same time the issue started.

  • @oboyledk @x00 was this ever solved? i'm having the same issue.

  • @Rajio

    The cause of my problem was related to using Memcached. It was breaking something in the way the data was stored.

    Turned it off, things worked.

  • how would i do that?

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