Integrate with WP is the Embed Plugin really needed?
Just curious, I think i've got it working but i'm far from pleased at this moment.
The link structure is far from okay and nice, too many redirects so that's why i was thinking of building my own Custom Page Templates inside WordPress and copy-/paste the PHP codes from Vanilla into there would that be possible?
Maybe with some include function and a path ?
Because at this point if i use the Vanilla Widgets at my sidebar of the home page the Link looks like this.
While the almost perfect link should look like this:
The # is wrong and it's only wrong when the Widgets are used.
I really like a few features of Vanilla but till now it's also lacking at a few places but maybe i'm doing something wrong.
I think i solved it.
(wp) plugins >vanilla-forums > functions.php
at line: 291
$url = $post->post_name.'#';
$url = $post->post_name.'/#';