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One Computer to Rule them all!



  • edited April 2006
    Completely offtopic: I saw a guy today wearing a "C-Unit" jersey. I'd have snapped a photo but I didn't have my phone on me at the time.

    I'm sure it's a popular reference that I'm totally missing.
  • haha. jersey.
    You sure it wasnt g-unit?
  • Sure it wasn't G-Unit, eiiighht! But I think C-UNiT just about sums up the gangsta hoodie posse a lot better ;-)
  • edited April 2006
    Maybe, dunno. Coulda sworn it was a C.

    So, um, what the hell is a G-Unit?
  • edited April 2006
    lol, it's a rap group. You can unit-ify lots of letters, p-unit, c-unit, z-unit, e-unit.

    It's headed up by 50 Cent, who is flattering portrayed in the picture below -

  • I am so totally out of the loop...
  • that looks quite a lot like x to the z aswell. How surprising. Not.
  • edited April 2006
  • That cnet one made *no* sense at all. Photoshop runs faster as a native windows app than as a rosetta-translated mac app? HOLY CRAP STOP THE PRESSES.
  • edited April 2006
    That may be the case, as I try to avoid actually reading the articlesm, and just skim the headline. I have a serious case of internet ADD.
  • For one, I think that MS is actually going to like this.

    Part one, they are constantly looking for new marker areas for them to sell their software on (hell, they used millions of dollars to actually build a hardware from the ground up just to turn it to hardware vendors for them to have new platform to sell Winnies for) and now Apple provided a customer base of tens of thousands of Mac enthusiasts.

    What is there not to like?

    Part two, they have money invested in Apple, MS actually owns some of Apple shares and when Apple's profits go up, so does their shares and share holders are happy (read. MS is happy).

    Part three, MS for few years now has seen a long line of computer entertainment professionals (game, movie and music professionals) migrating from Winnie to Mac or Linux. They don't care in what machine people run Winnie in, wether the customer buys Dell, HP or Mac, it still brings them the moolah, and actually, selling Windows as a separate software - instead of shipping it with a PC - is more profitable for MS.

    I predict that if things goes smoothly, MS and Apple will find a way to support Vista on Mac products from as soon as possible (maybe a version of iMac and Power Mac that has vista enabled DX10 graphics card).
  • I smell a convergence.
  • edited April 2006
    I tend to disagree with John Gruber on several issues, but lately he's been rolling twenties.

    ..."Regarding anything related to Apple’s strategy going forward, it’s essential to keep in mind just how Apple functions as a business. It’s not very complicated. Apple now has two fundamental businesses: selling Macintosh computers and selling iPods. And I think if you wanted to, you could argue that this is really one core business, selling computers, and that some of their computers are Macs and some are iPods."


    "And so that’s the prism through which one needs to view Apple speculation. For any idea, ask yourself this: Would it help Apple sell more Macs or more iPods? If the answer is “no�, Apple isn’t going to do it, or, if they do, it’d be a genuinely shocking development."...
  • edited April 2006
    That 50-cent picture reminded me of the dopefish
  • Viva la Mac.

    In reality, I'm sort of fed up with people thinking Mac is so exclusive, shut-in, and proprietary. Sure, to a certain extent, everything is proprietary. When I hear it however it comes in the connotation that Mac doesn't support anything they don't create.

    Wasn't it Microsoft who pulled IEMac from the shelves? iTunes works on Windows. Boot Camp if anything was the biggest denouncer that Apple producers were shutins. iPods support mp3, albeit you probably have to download it from iTunes or have some DRM approved signature, but still MP3 compared to AAC or OGG, (which when we think about it, are arguably better formats anyway) is a wide difference.

    I couldn't be more thankful for bootcamp. Right now, I'm stuck on a crappy compaq Windows2000 laptop, (cause I hate desktops) and I'd give it up anyday if someone offered me a MacBook, even if my old one has $5000 worth of gold inside it. I just want my email, my blog, and my WYSIWYG's.

    I'm the stereotypical journalist you hear NBC making fun of whenever some kid screws up the internet and gets attacked by a predator.

    "And then there are the informationalist pundits who just can't make it in a day without doing at least ONE blog entry".

    I take offense to that. =]
  • I love carnivores attacking infants, more so than douple coated teflon pans. And when there is Internet involved it just sweetens the deal to an extent of which words can not describe, I'll have to dance!
  • If MS just decides to play nice with Apple Vista running on a Mac, wouldn't be so far fetched afterall.

    Sure there will be minor problems like:

    Would Apple add optional DX10 card option for every Mac, it doesn't make much sense in the Mac world since Mac games don't use DX10 and Vista is the only platform DX10 will be available, eventually the modern cards will be an option for Macs but would they add the option and crank up the price of their products just so that people can install Vista on their Mac and play Halo 2?

    Early Vista releases will be shite, not utter shite, but some form between steaming and tad dried up in the sun with a hard shell but sweet and juicy taffee inside (I'm not talking about candy here), how do I know? Well, let's just say that I have had the privelage of having a windows machine with the latest Winnie release and no matter how mature they became after a year or two, the first release has allways been a total bucket of shite. It's the way things go, it's as natural as going to war or mutation.
    So who is responsible when your Vista installation sets your spiffy new Mac on fire and rapes your dogs laughing while you cry in the corner? There will be some explaning to do where those bruises came from.

    So all in all, I bet Apple knows what it means when they dance with MS, but who would refure the marketshare!
  • Hmmmm, so the new Macbooks are coming around the pipe, and Intel just announced their ultra low power core solo.


    Would Apple add optional DX10 card option for every Mac, it doesn't make much sense in the Mac world since Mac games don't use DX10 and Vista is the only platform DX10 will be available
    Apple generally uses stock ATI and nVidia cards (Currently ATI), with custom drivers and firmware. When ATI switches their lineup to DX10-certified cards (and they will), Apple will almost certanly use them.

    And also, there's a huge difference between a "DX10 Certified" card and a "DX10 Compatable" card.
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