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Paging not showing up with bookmarked and mine

edited April 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all

I used Vanilla version with default theme . have 50+ topic. not use categories.

The paging not showing up with /bookmarked and /mine . but can be showing up well with /discussions .

I can use /bookmarked/p2 and /mine/p2 . it is work. but paging not showing up.

The paging div can showing other txt. but paging is null. looks not a css error .



  • ./applications/vanilla/views/discussions/index.php

    $PagerOptions = array('RecordCount' => $this->Data('CountDiscussions'), 'CurrentRecords' => $this->Data('Discussions')->NumRows()); if ($this->Data('_PagerUrl')) { $PagerOptions['Url'] = $this->Data('_PagerUrl'); } echo PagerModule::Write($PagerOptions);


    Only showing up with /discussions : «123456» .


    Showing up with /discussions /bookmarked and /mine : Previous Next .

    I want paging showing up with /discussions /bookmarked and /mine . like «123456» .

    I try edit the /bookmarked and /mine pagerfactory in

    But it not work .


  • ./applications/vanilla/views/discussions/index.php

    $PagerOptions = array('RecordCount' => $this->Data('CountDiscussions'), 'CurrentRecords' => $this->Data('Discussions')->NumRows());

    Maybe it can not count the bookmarked and mine ?

    Vanilla_2.0.18 - Vanilla_2.0.18.4 default theme no plugins .


  • Hello,

    I found the same problem...

    I solved changing the 'applications\vanilla\views\discussions\index.php' like this:

    $CountDiscussions = $this->Data('CountDiscussions');
    if (!$CountDiscussions) {
    $CountDiscussions = $this->RequestMethod == 'bookmarked' ?
    $Session->User->CountBookmarks : $CountDiscussions ;
    $CountDiscussions = $this->RequestMethod == 'mine' ?
    $Session->User->CountDiscussions : $CountDiscussions ;
    $CountDiscussions = $this->ControllerName == 'draftscontroller' ?
    $Session->User->CountDrafts : $CountDiscussions ;

    $PagerOptions = array('RecordCount' => $CountDiscussions, 'CurrentRecords' => $this->Data('Discussions')->NumRows());
    if ($this->Data('_PagerUrl')) {
    $PagerOptions['Url'] = $this->Data('_PagerUrl');

    I hope can help somebody that searching by this problem...

  • Sorry...


    I found the same problem...

    I solved changing the 'applications\vanilla\views\discussions\index.php' like this:

    `$CountDiscussions = $this->Data('CountDiscussions');
    if (!$CountDiscussions) {
    $CountDiscussions = $this->RequestMethod == 'bookmarked' ?
    $Session->User->CountBookmarks : $CountDiscussions ;
    $CountDiscussions = $this->RequestMethod == 'mine' ?
    $Session->User->CountDiscussions : $CountDiscussions ;
    $CountDiscussions = $this->ControllerName == 'draftscontroller' ?
    $Session->User->CountDrafts : $CountDiscussions ;

    $PagerOptions = array('RecordCount' => $CountDiscussions, 'CurrentRecords' => $this->Data('Discussions')->NumRows());
    if ($this->Data('_PagerUrl')) {
    $PagerOptions['Url'] = $this->Data('_PagerUrl');

    I hope can help somebody that searching by this problem...

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