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Possible to show the full post datetime?

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yes, well, it's all in the topic :-) Is it possible to show the full datetime of the post instead of "x days ago" or the date? I didnt find a setting for this...


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hmm. That's done with a call to a library function. I wouldn't recommend changing the function since the new version will be coming out soon.

    When it does come out, you can change the offending templates to not call the function and instead just write the time however you want, I guess.
  • Could you make it an option in the Settings?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Not at the moment. Development is over for Vanilla 1. Only bug fixes from this point until it is released.
  • Not a problem, I mean for a future release anyway :)
  • I'd also like this feature. I'm using my forum to track things that I need to be dated. I'm dating each post at the moment but a default date/time would be handy in the future. :)
  • "Development is over for Vanilla 1."

    We should expect vanilla2.0? :P
  • All you have to do is replace everything in the TimeDiff function in Framework/Framework.Functions.php with something like:return date('H:i:s, Y-m-d', $Time);See for more info on formatting the time.
  • what all is the TimeDiff function, there's mucho code there could you show us what all needs to be replaced ?
  • In the file Framework.Functions.php, in the folder library/Framework, there is a function called TimeDiff. It starts with function TimeDiff(&$Context, $Time, $TimeToCompare = '') {Replace everything in the outer most curly brackets with what I posted and it should work.
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