The day was going so well

422422 MVP
edited April 2012 in General Banter

Tweaking some code, doin my stuff.

Urgent email and followed by frantic call from customer.

"that friggin blog you made me is broke,fix immeiately please"

...only a week ago, i showed him. Slowly, how to make a post, how to edit an image.. And how to deploy that blog post.

I mean, a blind three legged flea bag of a camel could follow those instructions... You would think.

But i went one step further, i uploaded his entire image portfolio, and created shortcut ids for him too. I even made him a smart title autocomplete, because he only has 12 product lines, but gazzilions of products...

So, all he has to do is login.

Type first few letters of title, autocomplete kicks in and he selects the title.

This fires a blog header image, so every post looks clean and uniform..

Then he types his text...

Then he clicks add image, category is already selected because of title id. He clicks the image.

Voila hits POST.

how simple is that ?

I check his blog today, totally screwed.. The idiot, has copied content from his old website pages, and pasted them straight into his blog.

Ok i thought, until i saw he had made 273 blog posts.

There was an error rendering this rich post.


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