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Integrating with Wordpress

edited April 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Vanilla is working fine for me but I'm unable to get the integration with Wordpress to work out. I'm trying to embed the forums into a page but nothing ends up showing on the page (

I'm not sure why the embed script isn't running. Anyone got any ideas of what to look at?

Wordpress: 3.3.2
Vanilla Forums (WP Plugin): 1.1.8
Mystique (WP Theme):


  • Options

    Hey guys,
    I'm having the same issue as Dan with a clean install of WordPress 3.3.2, Vanilla and the default WordPress theme. Is there a step we're missing or is there a known bug with with the WordPress integration on the latest version of Vanilla?
    Any help would be much appreciated!

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