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Problem with installation, URL and THEME!

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, i have installed vanilla 0.9.3. At least i've tried to :P When i enter the main page i can see the structure of vanilla, but there is just text and it seems that the theme is not loaded. Another problem: When i want to click at a link, for example "sign in", vanilla loads the url "http://your.base.url/to/vanilla/people.php?ReturnUrl='my home dir'/ ". And this doesnt work! Where can i change the "http://your.base.url/to/vanilla/" into the right url? thx Etzl


  • Just add this line to your conf/settings.php and your problem should be fixed. $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = 'your.base.url'; wicho
  • now the theme is added to the main page, but when i log in, there is no theme any more. Why?
  • check your account settings.
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