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So why does ImageReady suck so much ass?



  • Gimpshop just gives me this twilight-zone-esque freaky feeling, where everything seems normal on the surface but all the details are wrong. It just feels a lot weirder than using a totally different app. I'm sure that's mainly because I've logged an absurd number of hours in photoshop, but it's still weird.
  • yeah, Photoshop is great.
    I think it's quite surprising that there isn't another package in all these years that could beat it. (and I tried many of them)

    I also experience this weird feeling in the Gimp. I tried to like it, but failed.
    So it's probably great software, but not for me.

    Sharepoint is actually something that Microsoft did a good job on.
    It's one of those not-well-known, underrated products, that are actually quite nice. (And that's something from a guy who usually hates microsoft products)
  • Bergamot, I know the feeling, it just doesn't have exactly the same feel as original flavor PS. I think that's the one thing you need to get over and it's pretty easy to manage.
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