Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

The secret is officially out



  • GREAT!! The only thing I was missing!!
  • The proverbial cat is out of the bag, out of the baaaag!
  • So, uh, mark; will this work with the install-extensions-through-vanilla thing we discussed ages ago or is it just a solid alternative?
  • BenBen
    edited April 2006
    @Bergamot: No, they had already been downloaded.
    See, the list is still alphabetical.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    @Bergamot: I will try to release a new minor revision of Vanilla once a month or so if there is a huge call for new delegates. You are also correct about the theme issue, but in my mind the most important delegates are not in the render events, but in the constructor events and in the management classes behind the controls (user manager, discussion manager, etc). I think *those* will be the places that we'll see a larger request for delegates. But I could be wrong... @mini: No, that will have to happen down the line. I heard that they tried something like that in wordpress and it opened up some huge security holes. I'd like to do some more research before I try anything similar.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @ben: I've fixed that download sort now...
  • Awesome! Finally we've got something like this. I was going to launch a site myself actually, but nevermind ;)
  • <-- Just added my 0.9.x skin :) I'm going to totally change some things for 1.0 though.. so I thought I might as well have the old one there anyway :)
  • Just thinking, what with the forum being called vanilla, maybe extensions should be called pods. What with vanilla pods and all.
  • Looks good. Very good.

    mini: Nice idea!
  • Great autocompletion for the Tags! I found a small bug: When adding an extension to and error occurs " quotes are \" slashed in the description textarea.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Really? How odd. I'll take a look - thanks :)
  • oh my god this is wonderful.
  • Dang mark, you've outdone yourself again. That's one awesome extension library. Although, it would be nice if you allowed for pngs to be uploaded, as jpeg's lossy, gif's got a limited palette and the picture's bound to have some finer detail in it.
  • So... not to nag, but V 1.0... Summer?
  • Mark: Found a bug. If you're not logged in and you're viewing a addon and you go to login it redirects you to: Notice the & in the url. It comes saying the request addon could not be found. But if I replace the & with & it works.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    @sirnot: png's eh? I bet I can do that... :)

    @tmcw: Sooner. Very soon.

    @ADM: Yeah, I know about that bug. It's been fixed in development, but I need to finish a few other bugs before the development version gets released here. I hope it doesn't annoy too many people in the meantime :(
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    png now allowed.
  • What's the difference between theme and style?
  • I think theme is structure (HTML) and stlye is style (CSS)
This discussion has been closed.