Email Notifications Not Being Sent - Config File Setup

We're recently launched a Vanilla 2 forum located at I would like to enable email notifications for this site and have not had luck figureing this out.
- I've edited the User "Roles & Permissions" to have "AdvancedNotifications" set to "Allow"
- I've edited the "config-default.php" file to set the following
// Default Preferences
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['ConversationMessage'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['AddedToConversation'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['BookmarkComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['WallComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['ActivityComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['DiscussionComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['DiscussionMention'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['CommentMention'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['ConversationMessage'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['AddedToConversation'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['BookmarkComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['WallComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['ActivityComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['DiscussionComment'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['DiscussionMention'] = '1';
$Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['CommentMention'] = '1';
- I've tried to set the above settings in the "config.php" rather than the "config-deault.php"
- I've tried using both the local mail server and STMP mail. The new user notifications are coming through fine.
- I believe the user email settings are hidden via CSS and cannot be changed via the user profile. I would like for there to be one set of standard settings for all users.
- Are the settings above supposed to be in the "config.php" or config-default.php" or both?
- I would be interested in working with a Vanilla expert on these types of topics. Let me know if you are intererested at jt {at} tall united {dot} com.
Best Answer
peregrine MVP
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['UseSmtp'] = $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpHost'] = $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpUser'] = $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPassword'] = $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPort'] = $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpSecurity'] =
might be one of these settings. just guessing
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
click on your name to go to the profile.
click on my preferences - it is an individual option for all users
do you see "my preferences"?
you shouldn't change config-default.php
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine: thanks for the feeback. I believe the the "my preferences" section of the profile has been hidden by CSS. Is there a way to have a master default setting for all users that is configurable via the admin panel?
is view and edit profiles checked for members in your dashboard - if not try checking them. i would restore config-defaults.php to its original form.
and I quote:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine: thanks again for the response. So in my case, at least at the moment, the user is not able to set these settings in their profile since it is hidden via CSS. In that case, they would be setup on the default configuration of these settings and they would be unchanged. Is there a location where I determine what these default settings are for all new users?
In your first message - you set them to get e-mail from anything essentially. But the changes only occur for new users. It doesn't change past users. you would need to change that in the database.
Config defaults - sets them - you theoretically leave that alone (so you can't mess things up).
and override in config.php
in this case
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I suppose you could change the user table - column preference and make them all null and the that would give everybody the default preference you set in your config.php
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Alright, so I changed the config.php to the values above. Also went into the database via phpmyadmin and verified the value of the "preferences" in gdn_user's to NULL. All of the "member" users were already at NULL, only the Admin had a non-NULL value there. Emails are still not being sent. Maybe it's an issue with the outgoing email settings, but I do receive the new user notification emails...
might be one of these settings. just guessing
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yeah buddy, that's what it was. I had "user" in the 'SmtpUser' field instead of "". Thanks a lot for the support.
glad I could help and glad you "liked" them. I'm a like hog.
@underdog - maybe [documentation]
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I need to do the same thing... I got a little confused on exactly what I need to do reading this post. This should definitely be in a doc somewhere. So far I changed all these to "1"
// Default Preferences $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['ConversationMessage'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['AddedToConversation'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['BookmarkComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['WallComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['ActivityComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['DiscussionComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['DiscussionMention'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['CommentMention'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['ConversationMessage'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['AddedToConversation'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['BookmarkComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['WallComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['ActivityComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['DiscussionComment'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['DiscussionMention'] = '1'; $Configuration['Preferences']['Popup']['CommentMention'] = '1';
Is that correct?
Also, this is my default mail settings in the config.php
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['UseSmtp'] = FALSE; $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpHost'] = ''; $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpUser'] = ''; $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPassword'] = ''; $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPort'] = '25'; $Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpSecurity'] = '';
What do I need to put there?
Is there anything else I need to change? I am really confused as to why this isn't easier to edit...
see dashboard settings for - outgoing mail.
We will attempt to use the local mail server to send email by default. If you want to use a separate SMTP mail server, you can configure it below.
the above should fill in the SMTP statements.
if you don't know what your mail server is - contact your host provider - we can't answer that for you.
also read the current documentation on configuration
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.