Embedded comments links should be target="_blank". Currently profile links open within the embed!
This is bad:
Profile links clicked in the embedded iframed comment feed open up the profile window (i.e. the full forum site) WITHIN the iframe embed. If it's at all possible, we need to make those links target="_blank"
I was going to put something in the GitHub, but I couldn't figure out which part of the application is responsible for serving the comment feed to the embedder. (in fact, I would like to know where that is so I can work on making it prettier/match my theme anyway...) So a reference there would be great too. Thanks!
Best Answer
422 MVP
However you could add :
< base target="_parent" />
< base target="_blank" />
There was an error rendering this rich post.
to clarify, I'm trying to use Vanilla Comments in wordpress.
Its probably a wise idea to do a full width page in wordpress (i.e. no panels in wordpress). when viewing vanilla related stuff. wouldn't it or am i confused
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
well, even in full-frame you'd have the same problem;
The problem is that the comments iframe, which prettily displays just comments and no vanilla frame, opens its user profile links IN THE SAME IFRAME WINDOW, which is now opening the entire vanilla site within my wordpress blog comments area :-P not happy!
does the wordpress noframes plugin solve the problem?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
That wouldn't do it; that blocks my WP site's content from being used in an iframe;
the problem here is that WP Vanilla Comments uses an iframe to load a vanilla conversation as my WP Comments for a blog post. Problem is, it contains links to users' profiles, and those profiles open WITHIN THE IFRAME. So now i've got my entire vanilla site loading inside my wordpress post's comments section.
Basically as i've said, the solution is simple(ish) -- make the profile links be target="_blank" (open in new window)
Try target="_new"
There was an error rendering this rich post.
However you could add :
< base target="_parent" />
< base target="_blank" />
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Right. Either of those could be fine. But I don't know how to insert those into the profile links in the embedded comment thread.
if you are using worpress you can use no frame to break out of frames.
grep is your friend.
Now that I found a good grep tool, I think I could find and tweak the embedded comment thread code so that the links are
< base target="_parent" />
< base target="_blank" />
I'll let you know if I get around to it, and probably drop something on the wiki.
Hey Daniel, did you ever sort this?
I have a similar issue in that I have Vanila embedded in a WP site with single sign on enabled. When a user clicks on the Sign on or Register buttons the site login/register form appears inside the embed frame of the forum and ultimately so does the whole site when logging in. I tried adding target="_top" etc but only to the end of the links in the SSO plugin. I guess this needs to be addressed in the core files that produce the links but that's when I start getting into unknown territory.
ANy help much appreciated.
You have a similar issue - but a totally different issue so should start new discussions with a new topic, not "me too" onto something different. It makes it harder for future users to find solutions when you "me too" on to different issues.'
you are not having the problem with embedded comment links correct??????
if you are using wordpress - out try this... as x00 pointed out.
does that plugin solve your issue.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
OK, keep your hair on... how many ?????
I have posted this as a separate issue and had zip answers, so I thought as this was similar issue I would simply ask if Daniel had found an answer which the thread didn't indicate, hardly the crime of the century.
very few. Some of the questions make me tear my hair out. Especially the repeat problems. sometimes, the "me too's" cause some hair pulling.
my mistake - its between you and Daniel. I should have avoided this one.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Sorry, I never did sort this out; I just abandoned embedding in favor of a standalone.
But it shouldn't be too hard to fix (once one learns to "grep" or use notepad++'s "search within files"), just implement a target="_parent" or "_blank" into the template file, which you'd find using grep.
Thanks Daniel