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Your TV shows of choice?

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm not that big into TV but I do like a couple shows - mainly 24 and PrisonBreak for dramas, and Family Guy and The Office for comedies. So what do you guys watch?


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    edited April 2006
    That 70's show Friends O.C. Scrubs Heja Björn (Come on Björn - Swedish serie which reminds of The Office in some ways)
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    CSI (Las Vegas and Miami), The OC, Survivor, Lost, The Office. That's pretty much it. I'm a big geek.
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    I mainly watch comedy. Though i just watched hustle which is pretty good.
    I'm major into family guy atm (i love its completely non-politically correct attitude and mass randomness) and other animated comedies like simpsons/futurama are awesome too.
    I also like the old school stuff (probably only uk people will know them) like black adder, monty python, vicar of dibley, and newer stuff like my hero, my family, friends etc.
    Basically i like ukgold (tv channel), sky1, and e4.

    The oc and stuff i dont mind but i dont go out my way to watch them. The ladies are nice.
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    Turning on the TV reminded me that Parental Control and Date My Mom are always good for some humor.
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    Stargate(s), Battlestar Galactica, Family Guy, Southpark, Daily Show, Colbert Report about sums things up. Sometimes Lost. All downloaded. I don't watch live TV like ever.
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    Family Guy, House, Lost, Survivor, Lost and NCIS (occasionaly). They are all on over two days in the week, so I watch a fw hours of TV over 2 days and then that is is for the week.
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    Lost, Smallville, Scrubs and Simpsons. Well that's all I'm watching lately.
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    Right now it's "House, M.D." and "Monk" for me. I have to have my Friday night dose of cynicism from House or I get irritable... ;-)
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    In no particular order: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Futurama, Ghost in the Shell, Fullmetal Alchemist.
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    Family Guy, My Name is Earl, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report... Used to watch the OC, House MD, That 70's show, Simpsons, that show with Spade in it...
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @a_magical_me: I am a huge firefly fan. Can't believe it's not on the air.
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    @Mark: Yeah, I discovered it because of Serenity, and I'm very sad that it was cancelled.
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    In the UK, Shameless was the best thing going for a while, and Life on Mars was really good too. See if you can pick them up over the ocean on t'internet... In terms of classics, Only Fools and Horses rules them all. Lovely jubbly. Oh, and MOTD is a must!
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    CSI (LV, NY, Miami seems like a bunch of robots), 24, Lost, The occasional semi-interesting documentaries on PBS from either Nova, Frontline, or Wide-Angle. And to crank the geek knob past 11 I'll even watch some farscape/stargate from time to time. Family guy is great too :)
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    Oh aye i forgot about only fools. Dinnerladies is good too. Victoria wood is an excellent scriptwrite/comedian. And ofcourse there's the two ronnies (or was, should i say) which lead to stuff like open all hours and porridge. And fawlty towers too with the master of monty python john cleese.
    I'm glad to see the lack of soaps popping up here; i daresay its a bit of a geek thing?
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    3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited April 2006
    Shameless, The Simpsons, sometimes nature/science shows, and Hollyoaks (to numb the brain after work)
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    Smallville, Scrubs, Doctor Who and Hustle.
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    American Dad
    Doctor Who
    Family Guy
    Futurama <--- Greatly missed. But I watch my DVDs quite regularly.
    Monty Python
    My Name is Earl
    Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
    South Park
    The Office (UK & US)
    The Simpsons

    That's pretty much everything I watch I think.
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    In fairness family guy should count as greatly missed too since they took it off air (here, atleast (i think?)). Thank god theyre still making dvd's.
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    There's a season happening in fits and starts in the US at the moment. There was a fresh episode about 1/2 weeks ago. My memory is hazy.
    Also, isn't it on Sunday nights on BBC2?
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