Mobile Site Not working

When I access my site on a computer it works great, however on a mobile device is does not. help! is the site im having issues with.
When I access my site on a computer it works great, however on a mobile device is does not. help! is the site im having issues with.
Search for 'Bonk', It is easier then writing out instruction every time.
It is difficult to tell without debug on, purely a guess, I make sure you have Smarty folder in cache, and it is writeable.
grep is your friend.
can you provide a link for the fix?
Like I said this question get asked over an over please search for 'Bonk' for instruction what to do, there is not much further we can take this otherwise.
grep is your friend.
I cannot find anything to give me results. Ive tried everything.. thoughts?
I suggest searching the wiki for instructions on enabling debugging.
Also fwiw, x00 probably aleady told you what is wrong.
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I'm a newb how do I find out if I have a smarty folder in cache
Well, you would go to your Vanilla folder on your host's webserver, and look in the cache folder...
If it isn't there, make it.
Note it should have a capital S - Smarty NOT smarty.
Inside that folder should be two folders called cache and compile (lower case letters).
Why would these folders be missing ? Is it a problem with the application core? Also there is two Smarty directories , Smarty Plugins and Smarty 2.6.25, is this solution to make the missing folders inside which Smarty Directory? Also these directories are here in my server /mydatabass/Forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25, so I would create a folder called cache and one called compile into this directory? Or the Smarty Plugins Directory?
The mobile theme can't be previewed on dashboard it gives a bonk error too.
I appreciate anything anyone can add to this or exactly where do these folders go because it did not work where I put them. Thanks
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I think I figured it out The solution to the mobile problem :
Create folders: compile and cache by making a new directory in the cache directory of the forum call the directory** Smarty** then make two other directories inside that one, compile and cache.
so it is going to look like this the path of the new directories:
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