Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Hide once read

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So i was just thinking about the stickes on this board and how theyre in a stickies category so people can blank them, but then if there are important announcements they miss them...
SO i was thinking about an announcement feature which was like a sticky that disappeared (i.e. sunk or just went off the discussions page) once you'd read it.
I know it wont make the core (this time round, atleast, and probably not in the future); but it's just some food for thought if anyones bored an wants to make an extension.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You know, that's really how stickies should always work...
  • well what are you sitting around doing nothing for then?! you've become so lazy these days its untrue!
  • Further to that, depending how you (i.e whoever can be bothered making it) made it work, it might be kinda cool to let the admin (or anyone, a setting perhaps) see who's read it.
  • Would it get re-stickied if someone posts to it?
  • "Would it get re-stickied if someone posts to it?"

    I would hope so.
  • I just remembered the other thing: once a discussion is made unsticky, it tends to jump pretty low on the list if it hasn't been updated lately. If it ends up on page 11 or something, people may never find it again.
  • Well it could or it couldnt. It depends. Ideally that'd be another setting. If it was purely an announcement then it could just keep sinking and those who wanted to view it could still do so. Alternatively it could go back to the top until someone read the comment.
    You could even put the onus on the user to choose whether the comment they were making was merely an enquiry or something worthy of being held at the top of the list till everyone had read it. Though that could get annoying - it depends on your user base.
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