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Isnt the internet a marvelous (and scary) place

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just to let you know now that i'm not just talking about porn...

So i've been out this evening with my friend babysitting for one of his dads mates and when i got home i thought i'd see what i could find out about him (suffice to say he doesnt appear to have done too badly for himself). So i grabbed his name and started digging through google. An hour later and i'm pretty well grounded on his business movements over the last 10 years or so, and come tuesday morning when a few more business websites are open (companies house etc) i should have pretty much mapped out which fingers he has which in which pies and when. Not to mention a number of financial renumerations he's had over the years.
Very interesting it may be (i even read a detailed article on the demise of LUFC which normally wouldnt interest me in the slightest), but underneath it all it's really quite scary. If i as a (allbeit very tenuous) friend can spend an hour and a few quid finding out all this information then someone with a more devious ulteria motive really has an absolute ton of detail at their fingertips. Fair enough its all public knowlege anyway and fair play to him it all looks rather clean; but i daresay if i really wanted to i could poke away in the right places and dig up some more serious information with relative ease.

Blurb aside, what an absolutely stunning tool. And what an interesting guy; i must invite him to the pub sometime...


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