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Feedback on BotStop Plugin



  • I did everything as written here! But when approving the program to the "plugins" and then stamped on botstop to correct the settings I phrase pops BONK!

  • there is screenshot

  • Search this forum for how to get past the Bonk screen to a detailed error report.

    Since following all the steps on here makes botstop work with register approval, you've missed something, or mistyped something.

    Is your forum set to Registration: approval?

  • yes i have registration approval.

  • OK, so get past the Bonk message and let us know what the full error report says.

  • Hello,

    Just installed to stop registration spam and received the following error

    /plugins/BotStop/views/registerapproval.php' view for the 'entry' controller in the 'dashboard' application.
    The error occurred on or near: /library/core/class.controller.php

    776:          $this->_ViewLocations[$LocationName] = $ViewPath;
    777:       }
    778:       // echo '<div>['.$LocationName.'] RETURNS ['.$ViewPath.']</div>';
    779:       if ($ViewPath === FALSE && $ThrowError)
    780:          trigger_error(ErrorMessage("Could not find a '$View' view for the '$ControllerName' controller in the '$ApplicationFolder' application.", $this->ClassName, 'FetchViewLocation'), E_USER_ERROR);
    782:       return $ViewPath;
    783:    }

    I appreciate your support with this eror.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited 2013 31

    read peregrine's instructions for /botstop/views/registerapproval.php

    grep is your friend.

  • Why do I get a "humanity suspect" error all the time, even if I provided the right answer?

  • @tonex said:
    Why do I get a "humanity suspect" error all the time, even if I provided the right answer?

    you may have installed it incorrectly, perhaps if you explain what you did, you might get more help.

    If you want to debug you own version it is easy to echo what the expected answer is to see if you have what you you think you need. Read up on echo and php, it is not too difficult.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • This works extremely well for me it is amazing and I am very happy with this plugin.

  • StumpyJoeStumpyJoe
    edited 2013 12

    I was declining at least 40-50 spambot applications a day. Enabled this plugin (with peregrine's modifications above), and things are nice and quiet now. :)

    It was mentioned to check for it in a later post, but just to spotlight it, the last line in his definitions.php code is missing the closing php tag (from the first line), so make sure to add that.


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited 2013 12


    unfortunately @Underdog split the thread with the zip file of modifications, and it is no longer under the plugin (where it was) and impossible to find.

    in the zip file the defintions.php has the closing php tag on the first line. There should be no php closing tags on the end of files unless you are looking for trouble with rss feed, be forewarned. I learned this the hard way and @x00 pointed out the mysterious effect of putting closing php tags at the end of files in vanilla plugins.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hmm, thanks, but I just downloaded that zip file to check, and definitions.php does not have the closing php "?>" tag in the first OR last line.

    I'm not an expert at php, but you're saying it's ok to put that "?>" at the end of line 1 instead of at the end of those definitions?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited 2013 12

    I'm saying what I have is correct in the zip.

    in the zip file the defintions.php has the closing php tag on the first line.

    I meant to say the defintions.php does NOT have the closing php tag on the first line, because the lines below it are php code.

    And don't close your php code with a closing tag if php code if you don't have html code below it.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I think this plugin is great, just one small thing - is it possible to ignore the case of the answer? eg I don't think SIX would be accepted as correct.

  • May I ask what benefit this plugin has over the default Captcha method? Can spambots pass a Captcha? In my 2.1b1 setup I have "Basic" with Captcha and confirm email address, no spam so far (but that forum is only online for less than a week now).

  • @MasterOne - in my recent experience, yes, spambots pass Captcha quite frequently... and they confirm email addresses. That's why I'm giving this a shot now.

  • MasterOneMasterOne ✭✭
    edited 2013 24

    BTW I just got PMed here on Vanilla Forums from spam/scum user babybaby25 offering "girl" services. I'm gonna take a look at this as well.

  • @MasterOne said:
    May I ask what benefit this plugin has over the default Captcha method? Can spambots pass a Captcha?

    The can absolutely bypass captcha, with almost no effort. There are even paid services to help bots solving catpchas, and they are very popular amongst spammers and internet "marketers" (it's not surprising that, more often than not, the two terms match the same person).

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