show date & time for comments (except the same day) but still only show date in thread-overview
ok, i know it's a bit confusing and i'm starting to think i'm confusing myself more and more but i tried about thousands of possibilities now and i guess i'm losing track... :-P
so what i want is:
- _in_ discussions:
- for comments at the same day only show time (as usual)
- for older comments show date **and** time ('%d %B - %R')
- at discussion overview:
- for discussions where last comment was at the same day only show time (as usual)
- for discussions where last comment was earlier still only show date
i alredy tried many variatons of-date($Object->DateInserted, ('Y m d') == date($Now, ('Y m d')) and similar stuff in various files but nothing ever worked... is there a much easier solution which i just can't see or what am i doing wrong?
thanks for help in advance!
Best Answers
peregrine MVP
you could also take a look at the Unreadicon plugin
and modify it to your needs.
It will show you how to test for time difference and then you can reformat the time in a plugin or in the helper_functions.php file.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Search for timeago
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that gives me 4 results:
in the class.format-file it's quite easy to define, so it also should be in other files or what's my mistake in thoughts?
I dont understnd your question.
You want to change Posted:9.24 am to Posted:4 minutes ago ?
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no, not at all.
i want to change "posted april 24" to "posted april 24 - 13:22h" but only in discussions and only if the comment is not from the same day... so i changed defaultdateformat to '%d %B - %R'... but then there's the problem that in the thread-overview the format is changed too of course (and that doesn't look good). so i have to add something that changes that again, but only for the thread-overview.
the other version is that i only change the time format in the theme/view/discussion folder, but then i have to add something ("if-else" like mentioned in first posting) which because of an unknown reason doesn't work... so why does this not work:
you could also take a look at the Unreadicon plugin
and modify it to your needs.
It will show you how to test for time difference and then you can reformat the time in a plugin or in the helper_functions.php file.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
ok, thanks a lot for the idea, i took a short look at the code of the plugin now and it seems to contain some new ideas, will have a closer look at it soon... :-) (now i have to get some sleep cause it's 3am here)
and i forgot to mention that, but i'm working in the helper-functions.php file most of the time...
Shouldnt be to difficult all that info is stored. Best of luck
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if it was that easy for me i wouldn't still be here... i'm cunfused... i think i got pretty close but i have one more question:
$indate = date($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->DateInserted);
echoes: "2012-06-10 00:06:26"
$indate = date('Y m d', $Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->DateInserted);
echoes "1970 01 01"
Epoch. You more than likely need to define another var, then parse it like $MyCustomDateTime
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finally i found a solution, i just used a little trick (i just cut the date-string)... so if anyone is interested, here's the code for the helper-functions.php file in the "discussion" folder:
<.span class="DateCreated">