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We should have a Vanilla 1.0 logo contest

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know there are some people on here with considerable art skills, and it'd be cool if we had a neat new logo for the 1.0 launch. The leaf thing has always been a little strange (are vanilla plants known for their leaves? I have no idea.), and since a lot of people are going to get their first impression of Vanilla once 1.0 launches, it would be cool if we could help Mark out with some sort of less-foliage-related branding.

Anyone want to give it a shot?


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    edited April 2006
    i'm a nerd!

    first off, i disagree with the logo bit - i've always appreciated the leaf motif for the logo. to me, it says something like "clean," which is i think what vanilla is really all about.

    now here's the nerd part. i went and read the article on wikipedia about vanilla because i was curious! god, i know! what a goober.

    anyway, vanilla plants are not known for their leaves, but for their fruit, which is where the vanilla flavor comes from.

    more interestingly (and maybe appropriately!), growing vanilla is an extremely human-intensive task, as the growers must inspect the plants daily to see if the flowers have opened, which last a single day or less.

    anyway, this has been your biology lesson for the day. be sure to have your arithmetic in by the end of class.
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    Bergie: You're not advocating spec work are you? ;-)
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    I quite like the 2-leaf logo. Anyhow isn't it up to Mark?
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    Yes it's up to mark, and if he doesn't like anything, he's of course free to keep the existing logo.
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    Hmmm... well I'd be up for giving it a shot if there was a proper brief for it!
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here ya go, 3stripe...


    Hey, you asked for it :P
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    ha. well done.
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    I really don't see how anything could be better logo for a product called VANILLA than a leaf. But it wouldn't be the first time to be proven wrong.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I personally really like the leaf. But if you guys wanted to have a crack at it, please feel free.
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    "I really don't see how anything could be better logo for a product called VANILLA than a leaf."

    I'm thinking something icecream-related.
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    cheers for the brief mark, it looks pretty full on...
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    Kosmo: "I really don't see how anything could be better logo for a product called VANILLA than a leaf." I like the leaf too. I wouldn't change it, but maybe someone could just add the flower to signify the new 'season', or first crop of Vanilla.
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    Turns out that's actually a self portrait... ;-D
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    edited April 2006
    the leaf is ok. but the problem for me is that it is so over used. vanilla even got a mention on hicks design... by the way he did have a leaf logo before he redesigned.
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    Well, based on the discusscion so far, here is my submission.

    Its just a quick and dirty sketch, done with MS paint of all things.

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    very adam and eve... I suppose it is origional thinking..?
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    Just add an erect flower and it'd be brilliant
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    Without going into harsh criticism and detail, the logo contest is a bad idea. I would say why ruin an already good and well established logo?
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    I see your point lech - but, why have a leaf, when you could have a leaf placed on a picture of a scantly clad males privates?
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    edited April 2006
    Here's me messing around for about 15 minutes. :)


    EDIT: the bottom image is transparent and the top has a white bkg. It's all one image, though.
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