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i am learner and i tried to create plugin in vanila for providing the login to user . so how to inse

vershaversha New
edited June 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

i am learner and i tried to create plugin in vanila for providing the login to user . so how to insert in the database and then retrieve the userid ???



  • vershaversha New
    edited June 2012

    versha said:
    tell me???

  • what is the "providing the login to user"?

  • basically i am asking how to insert in vanila forum database ?????

  • in vanila forum , you can use facebook plugin to login into vanila . so i want to ask which required field is filled in database after that we login in vanila

  • some fields in Gdn_Users table i suppose

  • yes you are right but inserting in the Gdn_Users table and then
    " Gdn::Session()->Start($User_id);" , not provide the login.

  • vershaversha New
    edited June 2012

    "facebook plugin code ":
    Copyright 2008, 2009 Vanilla Forums Inc.
    This file is part of Garden.
    Garden is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    Garden is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Garden. If not, see
    Contact Vanilla Forums Inc. at support [at] vanillaforums [dot] com

    // Define the plugin:
    $PluginInfo['Facebook'] = array(
        'Name' => 'Facebook',
       'Description' => 'This plugin integrates Vanilla with Facebook. <b>You must register your application with Facebook for this plugin to work.</b>',
       'Version' => '1.0.1',
       'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.14a'),
       'RequiredTheme' => FALSE,
       'RequiredPlugins' => FALSE,
        'MobileFriendly' => TRUE,
       'SettingsUrl' => '/dashboard/settings/facebook',
       'SettingsPermission' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage',
       'HasLocale' => TRUE,
       'RegisterPermissions' => FALSE,
       'Author' => "Todd Burry",
       'AuthorEmail' => '',
       'AuthorUrl' => ''
  • vershaversha New
    edited June 2012
    class FacebookPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
       public function AccessToken() {
          $Token = GetValue('fb_access_token', $_COOKIE);
          return $Token;
       public function Authorize($Query = FALSE) {
          $Uri = $this->AuthorizeUri($Query);
       public function AuthenticationController_Render_Before($Sender, $Args) {
          if (isset($Sender->ChooserList)) {
             $Sender->ChooserList['facebook'] = 'Facebook';
          if (is_array($Sender->Data('AuthenticationConfigureList'))) {
             $List = $Sender->Data('AuthenticationConfigureList');
             $List['facebook'] = '/dashboard/settings/facebook';
             $Sender->SetData('AuthenticationConfigureList', $List);
        * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
       public function EntryController_SignIn_Handler($Sender, $Args) {
          if (!$this->IsConfigured())
          if (isset($Sender->Data['Methods'])) {
             $AccessToken = $this->AccessToken();
             $ImgSrc = Asset('/plugins/Facebook/design/facebook-login.png');
             $ImgAlt = T('Login with Facebook');
                $SigninHref = $this->AuthorizeUri();
                $PopupSigninHref = $this->AuthorizeUri('display=popup');
                // Add the facebook method to the controller.
                $FbMethod = array(
                   'Name' => 'Facebook',
                   'SignInHtml' => "<a id=\"FacebookAuth\" href=\"$SigninHref\" class=\"PopupWindow\" popupHref=\"$PopupSigninHref\" popupHeight=\"326\" popupWidth=\"627\" ><img src=\"$ImgSrc\" alt=\"$ImgAlt\" /></a>");
    //         }
             $Sender->Data['Methods'][] = $FbMethod;
       public function Base_BeforeSignInButton_Handler($Sender, $Args) {
          if (!$this->IsConfigured())
            echo "\n".$this->_GetButton();
        public function Base_BeforeSignInLink_Handler($Sender) {
          if (!$this->IsConfigured())
            if (!Gdn::Session()->IsValid())
                echo "\n".Wrap($this->_GetButton(), 'li', array('class' => 'Connect FacebookConnect'));
        private function _GetButton() {
          $ImgSrc = Asset('/plugins/Facebook/design/facebook-icon.png');
          $ImgAlt = T('Login with Facebook');
          $SigninHref = $this->AuthorizeUri();
          $PopupSigninHref = $this->AuthorizeUri('display=popup');
          return "<a id=\"FacebookAuth\" href=\"$SigninHref\" class=\"PopupWindow\" title=\"$ImgAlt\" popupHref=\"$PopupSigninHref\" popupHeight=\"326\" popupWidth=\"627\" ><img src=\"$ImgSrc\" alt=\"$ImgAlt\" align=\"bottom\" /></a>";
       public function SettingsController_Facebook_Create($Sender, $Args) {
          if ($Sender->Form->IsPostBack()) {
             $Settings = array(
                 'Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID' => $Sender->Form->GetFormValue('ApplicationID'),
                 'Plugins.Facebook.Secret' => $Sender->Form->GetFormValue('Secret'));
             $Sender->InformMessage(T("Your settings have been saved."));
          } else {
             $Sender->Form->SetFormValue('ApplicationID', C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID'));
             $Sender->Form->SetFormValue('Secret', C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret'));
          $Sender->SetData('Title', T('Facebook Settings'));
          $Sender->Render('Settings', '', 'plugins/Facebook');
        * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
        * @param array $Args
       public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) {
          if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook')
          if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
             throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Facebook')));
          $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID');
          $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret');
          $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET);
          $Query = '';
          if ($Sender->Request->Get('display'))
             $Query = 'display='.urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display'));
          $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query);
          $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri);
          // Get the access token.
          if ($Code || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) {
             // Exchange the token for an access token.
             $Code = urlencode($Code);
             $Url = "$AppID&client_secret=$Secret&code=$Code&redirect_uri=$RedirectUri";
             // Get the redirect URI.
             $C = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
             curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
             curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
             $Contents = curl_exec($C);
    //         $Contents = ProxyRequest($Url);
             $Info = curl_getinfo($C);
             if (strpos(GetValue('content_type', $Info, ''), '/javascript') !== FALSE) {
                $Tokens = json_decode($Contents, TRUE);
             } else {
                parse_str($Contents, $Tokens);
             if (GetValue('error', $Tokens)) {
                throw new Gdn_UserException('Facebook returned the following error: '.GetValueR('error.message', $Tokens, 'Unknown error.'), 400);
             $AccessToken = GetValue('access_token', $Tokens);
             $Expires = GetValue('expires', $Tokens, NULL);
             setcookie('fb_access_token', $AccessToken, time() + $Expires, C('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/'), C('Garden.Cookie.Domain', ''));
             $NewToken = TRUE;
          // Get the profile.
          try {
             $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken);
          } catch (Exception $Ex) {
             if (!isset($NewToken)) {
                // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize.
                if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
                } else {
                   $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
                   $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri();
             } else {
                $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Facebook connection.');
          $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form();
          $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile);
          $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID);
          $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', 'facebook');
          $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Facebook');
          $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile));
          $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $Profile));
          $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "$ID/picture");
          $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE);
       public function GetProfile($AccessToken) {
          $Url = "$AccessToken";
          $Contents = file_get_contents($Url);
          $Profile = json_decode($Contents, TRUE);
          return $Profile;
  • vershaversha New
    edited June 2012
       public function AuthorizeUri($Query = FALSE) {
          $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID');
          $RedirectUri = $this->RedirectUri();
          if ($Query)
             $RedirectUri .= '&'.$Query;
          $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri);
          $SigninHref = "$AppID&redirect_uri=$RedirectUri&scope=email,publish_stream";
          if ($Query)
             $SigninHref .= '&'.$Query;
          return $SigninHref;
       protected $_RedirectUri = NULL;
       public function RedirectUri($NewValue = NULL) {
          if ($NewValue !== NULL)
             $this->_RedirectUri = $NewValue;
          elseif ($this->_RedirectUri === NULL) {
             $RedirectUri = Url('/entry/connect/facebook', TRUE);
             if (strpos($RedirectUri, '=') !== FALSE) {
                $p = strrchr($RedirectUri, '=');
                $Uri = substr($RedirectUri, 0, -strlen($p));
                $p = urlencode(ltrim($p, '='));
                $RedirectUri = $Uri.'='.$p;
             $Path = Gdn::Request()->Path();
             $Target = GetValue('Target', $_GET, $Path ? $Path : '/');
             if (ltrim($Target, '/') == 'entry/signin' || empty($Target))
                $Target = '/';
             $Args = array('Target' => $Target);
             $RedirectUri .= strpos($RedirectUri, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&';
             $RedirectUri .= http_build_query($Args);
             $this->_RedirectUri = $RedirectUri;
          return $this->_RedirectUri;
       public function IsConfigured() {
          $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID');
          $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret');
          if (!$AppID || !$Secret)
             return FALSE;
          return TRUE;
       public function Setup() {
          $Error = '';
          if (!function_exists('curl_init'))
             $Error = ConcatSep("\n", $Error, 'This plugin requires curl.');
          if ($Error)
             throw new Gdn_UserException($Error, 400);
       public function Structure() {
          // Save the facebook provider type.
             array('AuthenticationSchemeAlias' => 'facebook', 'URL' => '...', 'AssociationSecret' => '...', 'AssociationHashMethod' => '...'),
             array('AuthenticationKey' => 'Facebook'), TRUE);
       public function OnDisable() {
    //   public function OnDisable() {
    //      $this->_Disable();
    //   }
    //   protected function _CreateProviderModel() {
    //      $Key = 'k'.sha1(implode('.',array(
    //         'vanillaconnect',
    //         'key',
    //         microtime(true),
    //         RandomString(16),
    //         Gdn::Session()->User->Name
    //      )));
    //      $Secret = 's'.sha1(implode('.',array(
    //         'vanillaconnect',
    //         'secret',
    //         md5(microtime(true)),
    //         RandomString(16),
    //         Gdn::Session()->User->Name
    //      )));
    //      $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel();
    //      $ProviderModel->Insert($Provider = array(
    //         'AuthenticationKey'           => $Key,
    //         'AuthenticationSchemeAlias'   => 'handshake',
    //         'URL'                         => 'Enter your site url',
    //         'AssociationSecret'           => $Secret,
    //         'AssociationHashMethod'       => 'HMAC-SHA1'
    //      ));
    //      return $Provider;
    //   }
    //   public function AuthenticationController_DisableAuthenticatorHandshake_Handler(&$Sender) {
    //      $this->_Disable();
    //   }
    //   private function _Disable() {
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Plugins.VanillaConnect.Enabled');
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Garden.SignIn.Popup');
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Garden.Authenticator.DefaultScheme');
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.Name');
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.CookieName');
    //      RemoveFromConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.TokenLifetime');
    //   }
    //   public function AuthenticationController_EnableAuthenticatorHandshake_Handler(&$Sender) {
    //      $this->_Enable();
    //   }
    //  private function _Enable($FullEnable = TRUE) {
    //      SaveToConfig('Garden.SignIn.Popup', FALSE);
    //      SaveToConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.Name', 'VanillaConnect');
    //      SaveToConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.CookieName', 'VanillaHandshake');
    //      SaveToConfig('Garden.Authenticators.handshake.TokenLifetime', 0);
    //      if ($FullEnable) {
    //         SaveToConfig('Garden.Authenticator.DefaultScheme', 'handshake');
    //         SaveToConfig('Plugins.VanillaConnect.Enabled', TRUE);
    //      }
    //      // Create a provider key/secret pair if needed
    //      $SQL = Gdn::Database()->SQL();
    //      $Provider = $SQL->Select('uap.*')
    //         ->From('UserAuthenticationProvider uap')
    //         ->Where('uap.AuthenticationSchemeAlias', 'handshake')
    //         ->Get()
    //         ->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
    //      if (!$Provider)
    //         $this->_CreateProviderModel();
    //  }
  • in facebook plugin code, which function is used for inserting in database????????

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