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BBcode Buttons & Smileys

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I had in my old forum BBcode Buttons and Smileys Buttons:


I need the same feature in Vanilla and I think the "BBCode and Smilies (v1.0)"-Extension will do it. Is it right?

The Smileys can be converted from :) or ;) with the "Transmogrifier"-Extension. I only need some code that inserts the :) and ;)....

BBcode would be also very useful to add the bbcodes automatically.


  • Yeah, currently we don't have any code-inserting toolbar extensions.
  • One significant barrier to this idea is that there is no delegate where the toolbar should go, at least in my version.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just tell me where you want it and I'll add it. Now is the time, since the launch is nigh.
  • edited April 2006
    Right now the Comment Form template looks like this:

    $this->CallDelegate('CommentForm_PreCommentsInputRender'); echo '<li> <label for="CommentBox"> <a href="./" id="CommentBoxController" onclick="' ."ToggleCommentBox('".$this->Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']."ajax/switch.php', '".$this->Context->GetDefinition('SmallInput')."', '".$this->Context->GetDefinition('BigInput')."'); return false;".'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition($this->Context->Session->User->Preference('ShowLargeCommentBox')?'SmallInput':'BigInput').'</a> [= Delegate goes here. The echo will need to be split up into two parts. =] '.$this->Context->GetDefinition('EnterYourComments').' </label> <textarea name="Body" class="' .($this->Context->Session->User->Preference('ShowLargeCommentBox') ? 'LargeCommentBox' : 'SmallCommentBox') .'" id="CommentBox" rows="10" cols="85">' .$Comment->Body .'</textarea> </li> '.$this->GetPostFormatting($Comment->FormatType) .'</ul>'; $this->CallDelegate('CommentForm_PreButtonsRender');

    Ditto for the Discussion Form template (after the #CommentBoxController link, but before the "enter your comments" text).

    To be honest, I don't know what besides a comment toolbar extension would use something like this, so I don't blame you for not putting one there.
  • Yes Bergamot, I think it's a good place for the tool ;)

    It would be a great extension for Vanilla :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006

    echo '<li> <label for="CommentBox"> <a href="./" id="CommentBoxController" onclick="' ."ToggleCommentBox('".$this->Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']."ajax/switch.php', '".$this->Context->GetDefinition('SmallInput')."', '".$this->Context->GetDefinition('BigInput')."'); return false;".'">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition($this->Context->Session->User->Preference('ShowLargeCommentBox')?'SmallInput':'BigInput').'</a>'; $this->CallDelegate('CommentForm_PostCommentToggle'); echo $this->Context->GetDefinition('EnterYourComments').' </label> <textarea name="Body" class="' .($this->Context->Session->User->Preference('ShowLargeCommentBox') ? 'LargeCommentBox' : 'SmallCommentBox') .'" id="CommentBox" rows="10" cols="85">' .$Comment->Body .'</textarea> </li>
  • edited April 2006
    extreeeeeeeemly minor quibble: for consistency's sake, shouldn't the delegate in the Discussion Form template be called "DiscussionForm_PostCommentToggle".

    Makes no difference to me really, since I'd be tossing the same code in both places.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    dammit - my bad.

    My hangover apologizes.

    Fixed now.
  • Rockin.

    I suppose now I have to write the damn thing.
  • To Bergamot: We would be very happy :)
  • Now we have a very beautiful extension for the smileys!

    *waiting for BBcode* :))))))))))))))))
  • how do i install this? where do I stick the files? or is this not for .
  • uziuzi
    edited April 2006
    In the add-on repository is everything listed, you require the version 1 (current svn) of Vanilla for this extension. For 9.2.6 it will not work. ;)

    Just unrar and add the vanillacons folder into the extensions folder on your server ;)
  • this thread just came back to the top when it claims to be 3 days old. Whisper bug?
  • I saw that too. But commenting on it in the thread kinda makes it less obvious :-)
  • yeah but you can still see the previous threads are 3 days old. I noticed it on a different thread a while ago too.
  • Yes mini, I whispered! Should not be, what? BUG?
  • it should for anyone that isnt you and the person you whispered to.
This discussion has been closed.