Vanilla 1 is no longer supported or maintained. If you need a copy, you can get it here.
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fools the lot of them!



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    /me was shut up by Shaun
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    On the subject of phpBB, to be fair, I can see why some people would find it hard to use anything else, as it is so prevalent amongst certain types of forums (music related ones)... maybe someone could make a package for vanilla that had a similarish but nicer theme, and some plugins included like sigs etc to ease the transition. But then again I couldn't be arsed.
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    I still think that there are few extensions that are more than important for Vanilla to become anything but a novelty. Quotes (should be in the core IMO) Signatures (should also be in the core but turned off as default) Stupid novelty poop like user post counts countries and such, shown next to avatar (this is straight idiotic but people like them) People love useless poop even if it means that it will slow down their forum roaming experience, they are sheep and the herd loves flashy useless things. As for me? Well, I like V as it is, I settle for less.
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    Just one thing 3stripe, if someones gonna make that package, it should have a time release function on it. So when you install it it looks identical to phpBB, then over the period of a month or a year or whatever some of the stuff phases out but without the users noticing. That way they wouldnt have to be struck with a harsh change but would eventually come round to a proper way of thinking.

    I do agree all those things should be made as extensions (and are, arent they?) but i completely disagree they should be in the core. Its not like installing and enabling an extension is complicated.
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    or did he mean the 'core' of extensions that comes as default with Vanilla?
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    Possible. But i think he meant actually built into the code (for quotes particularly)
    I'm not sure if there's gonna be a core of extensions that come as default with v1.
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    edited April 2006
    I certainly don't think there's any reason to build quotes into the forum code itself; it was really easy to cordon off into an extension, which is pretty much the defining criteria for whether something would make a good extension.

    I do think quotes should be turned on in this particular forum, but that's mostly just ego.
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    Shaun: Any chance you might want to switch to Vanilla after 1.0? I know you've settled into PunBB now but you should at least give it a try when it hits 1.0 and see if it's better for you then. If not then maybe offer some helpful crits to Mark to further improve it :)
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    Hehe, hijacked. Can anyone reccomend any simple gallery software? (preferably free) This looks perfect but the guy does'nt respond to me. =/ Anyone customised the filebrowser to act more gallery like? M
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    edited April 2006

    checkout It's a free, customisable, no-bloat flat-file php gallery. It'll make your thumbnails automatically, manage you albums and sub-galleries, it's easy to use and upload via a back-end (but you can also ftp if you like) and has clean URLs with mod_rewrite. There's templating too for customising both front-end and back-end but already the standard template is cleaner than most other galleries I've seen: Screenshots here.

    I've used it a few times and much easier and less-overloaded than Gallery etc.
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    This looks really sweet. Having a play with it now =)
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    edited April 2006
    All installed and fully integrated no trouble. Thats a really nice piece of software. So whats the crack with vanilla then, is v1 out yet or not? I might be able to convince them, really want to play with the templating too!
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    mbenney, glad you liked photostack.

    Grab the current vanilla from the svn ( - you can use tortoisesvn if you're on windows) and try it out. I've been playing with it on and off for a few weeks since the big XHTML/CSS makeover and the changes have been minor and mostly bugfixes since then and extensions are gradually being converted to 1.0 compatibility - from an observer's point of view I'd say it looks imminent. Not sure if the installer works yet though, so you'll need to install manually (see readme, elsewhere in this forum etc.)

    Theming/templating instructions are in the theme docs and the style docs and not dissimilar in basic approach from photostack (i.e. edit individual html/php include files for the different pages or parts thereof, here tho' only as you need them, for those you don't need to change it will default to the standard. And edit your vanilla.css).
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    Hmm, does the current released version have the templating engine in it? The last one i messed with was and that was a bit of a pain in the arse to customise.
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    then try out version 1 obtainable via svn, that does have templating.
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     Quote: jacob_r  mbenney,

    checkout It's a free, customisable, no-bloat flat-file php gallery.

    does flat-file mean that it does no use mysql or other databases, and; only folders ?
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  • Options crashes Safari when you login to the management module.

    Posted: Friday, 1 June 2007 at 7:27AM

This discussion has been closed.