[Solved] Embed Problems - Vanilla, Wordpress 3.4, WP Vanilla Forums Plugin 1.1.11

cheapstixcheapstix New
edited June 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


Using the above configuration, I am having problems with the embed Vanilla functionality; as this was one of the main reason's I wished to use vanilla it's a little frustrating to say the least.

Also -
PHP Version 5.3.17 (cgi)
MySQL version 5.0.67, PDO driver installed etc etc

The problems I think are compounded by the support documentation, which shows older builds etc. I'll try and explain the steps I have taken as best I can to give a clear view of the issues I'm experiencing and so you can let me know if it's some user error that has caused the bugs.

I began with clean installs of Wordpress 3.4 and Vanilla Forums, both installed using softalicious via Cpanel. I was initially concerned that the issues may have been caused by the softalicious install being wrong, but after cross-referencing the file structure on my site with an unzipped version of downloaded from this site I have concluded that they are indeed, the same version and layout.

After this, I logged into my Dashboard on both WP and VF.

There is NO Embed option in the "Forum Settings " menu in the Vanilla Dashboard - which contradicts the blog post found here Vanilla guide to converting embed plugin

So, given no embed (I figured that update must apply to the 'hosted' option) I went to plugins in Vanilla's Dashboard and found embed Vanilla version 1.6 as an available plugin. I activated the plugin, however my "embed Vanilla Settings Screen" does Not look like the one shown in the blog documentation or the ScreenR casts - it is missing everything below the 'current theme/ theme options' section. See screenshot below.


I installed the Wordpress Plugin "Vanilla Forums v1.1.11"

I validated my forum adress, however it created 2 'Discussions' pages instead of 1, and the embed code wouldn't work on either. I've changed templates to Default WP ones etc to make sure it's not a styling error.

I was never given an option 'sync' my URL's between the wordpress plugin and the embed plugin in Vanilla, as is demonstrated in the ScreenR videos running the older version of the plugin, as that section of my Dashboard>Plugins> 'embed Vanilla settings' was missing as shown in the screenshot above... I was not sure if this was removed as it was no longer needed with the new WP Vanilla Forums plugin (the embed codes are different to the video as well) or because something was wrong

Any help is much appreciated, can anyone help me determine the cause of this issue?

Best Answer

  • ivanhoeivanhoe New
    Answer ✓

    you are certainly not an idiot, I was looking for a solution for 4 hours and found your post. Well, it's works! Thanks a lot.


  • ivanhoeivanhoe New
    Answer ✓

    you are certainly not an idiot, I was looking for a solution for 4 hours and found your post. Well, it's works! Thanks a lot.

  • @422 documentation material for people who are certainly not idiots.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • PamelaPamela ✭✭

    cheapstix said:
    Hi, I feel like an idiot because I've managed to fix this quite easily, however I'll put the solution up in case other people make the same mistake.

    If you're using the open source version (not hosted) it appears for now you need to run the embed plugin, and to get it working with the latest version of the WP plugin you need to copy the 'old style' Forum embed Code from Vanilla > Dashboard > Plugins >embed Vanilla > Forum embed Code

    and then paste it in Wordpress > Vanilla Forums > Forum Integration > Forum embed code

    hit save in Wordpress.

    Copy and paste this forum embed code into the HTML of the page your forum is on in your wordpress site.

    Many thanks :) may be it should be time to upgrade this wordpress plugin now...

  • Thank you for posting your solution. I also was getting frustrated. I would say that, yes, it is time to update the integration plugin.

  • It seems that I have picked up the idiot stick for this issue now. I've been through these instructions 20 times and the forum still will not embed into the WP page.
    I have the WP forum page set to /forum and put this into the WP Vanilla embed set up. I just get a message saying no Vanilla forum found at this URL.

    I have seen a discrepancy between Vanilla and WP in the path to embed the set up:
    (code shortened to text for ease of posting)
    WP says the path ending is:

    Vanilla says the path is:

    I've tried both and a few wild guesses with no joy. The WP page just redirects to: ./forum/index.php?p=/discussions

    I must be doing something wrong but can't see it?

    Any clues please?

  • cheapstixcheapstix New
    edited August 2012

    Hi Davey

    I can't be 100% certain what's causing your problem, but I think the following 2 bits of information might help:

    1: My vanilla forums install is NOT installed in mysite/forum, as that is where I wanted the wordpress embedded forum to go.. ie: my VF install is mysite/community, while the embed (that the users visit and use) is mysite/forum.. if you have the VF install and the WP embed page on the same URL/slug this would cause issues, and from the 2 Javascript paths you've posted above, it appears to be the case (though you could have just been paraphrasing)

    2: the /plugins/embedvanilla/remote.JS is the path you want to have in BOTH wordpress and VF setup...

    Here is the complete overview of my setup, which is still working at present, except to remove any confusion about where to include the VF directory name or the WP forum embed page, I've replaced them with ridiculous names ('banana' for my VF dir, ' chimpanzee ' for the WP forum embed page)

    Settings in Vanilla - Vanilla is installed at the URL/Dir mysite/banana

    Dashboard > Addons > Embed Vanilla - Forum embed code (paraphrased)

    Dashboard > Addons > Embed Vanilla - Remote URL to Forum ="mysite/chimpanzee"

    Settings in wordpress - WP is installed in root, the page I'm embedding my forum on is mysite/chimpanzee

    Worpress > Vanilla Forum (plugin) > Setup - Validated Forum URL = "mysite/banana"

    Wordpress > Vanilla Forum (plugin) > Forum Integration - Forum page in wordpress = 'mysite/chimpanzee'

    Wordpress > Vanilla Forum (plugin) > Forum Integration - Forum embed code (paraphrased) "src="mysite/banana/plugins/embedvanilla/remote.js"

    I hope this clears it all up, and the ridiculous names help you spot where you're meant to reference the original vanilla forums install or where you're meant to point to the page in Wordpress where it's embedded. Best of luck!


  • Hey cheapstix,
    I can't seem to find where to enter my "Remote URL to Forum" in the Dashboard > Addons > Embed Vanilla page. I only see the Forum embed code box.
    Are you sure it's supposed to be there?

  • hmm perhaps they removed this in an update? I'm still on vanilla; if you're running the same as me (VF and Embed Vanilla 1.0.6) then yes it should be there. I have updated the plugin in wordpress and updated wordpress to the latest version, and everything still works fine. (wordpress 3.4.1 and vanilla forums Wp plugin 1.1.12)

    Remote URL won't stop it from working, it just enabled some basic re-directs if people were trying to access their VF settings etc. not vital.

  • Thank you @cheapstix for posting. I got a duplicate page, discussion and discussion-2 when using the Wordpress Vanilla Forum Plugin. Your instructions to copy the admin embed code into the plugin embed code area worked just fine. I had to deactivate and delete the plugin and my duplicate pages first.

    Glad you posted this.

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