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Anyone here used Lua?

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've heard a lot of neat things about the Lua programming language.

Last night I bought Programming in Lua on Amazon. Its mainly used as a scripting language in games like World of WarCraft, but it can be used for many other things as well and even though its a very small and light-weight language, its just as powerful (if not more so) than any other comparable language due to how it is implemented in tables. It obviously doesn't have the large amount of libraries and such, though.

* See more on Wikipedia
* Or check out this OnLAMP article on it...


  • I have used LUA in a number of occasions, it is very neat in it's lightweight and fast learning, but usability when compared to more popular scripting languages like ruby, python, perl etc. There just is no beef. But if you are in to games, then LUA is wonderful, alot of games use Lua for scripting various things, like you can mod the hell out of Silent Storm with LUA.
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