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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: addtodelegate()

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everybody, I installed Vanilla on my own computer for testing purposes: everything went fine. Then, I wanted to move it to the live server. This all went terribly wrong, so I started over. Now, everything seems to work fine, but when I try to create a new conversation, I get this error message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: addtodelegate() in (DOMAIN)/forum/extensions/AddComments.php on line 22 It doesn't matter with which user I am logged in. Could someone please help? I am using version and have the Lace extension installed. Thanks!


  • Options has no delegates, so any extensions which require them won't work.
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    Thanks for the quick response! Maybe a dumb question, but where can I find a newer version of Vanilla? Because on it still says version 0.9.2...
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    Vanilla 1 is not out yet, but coming very soon.
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    OK, but is there an older version of the Add Comments extension that does work with version
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    I'm afraid not.
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    "Vanilla 1 is not out yet, but coming very soon."

    No offense, but I want to stab myself in the temple with a screwdriver every time someone says that...because people have been saying it for months. A timeline or approximate release date would be nice.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Easy, slugger. It would be nice indeed. It would also be nice to get paid for making Vanilla so I could do it full-time. But sadly that is not the case.
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    /me steals all of SavoryMedias screwdrivers for good measure.
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    I think SavoryMedia just got "served".
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    I was just would be nice if people would stop saying "soon"...because it's giving people false hope...or something. *sigh*

    Don't mind me. I'm just hollering because I could REALLY use the category feed functionality and user integration with WP functionality for that parents' community site I'm working on.

    ...And Mark, I plan on donating once v1 comes out. Maybe that will be some motivation. ;)
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Ironically, I will be removing the donations page when Vanilla 1 comes out. No-one ever donates anyway :)
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    I wouldn't say remove it...make the link more prominent...graphical, even. I had to hunt before I found it.
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    Yeah, what's the problem with keeping it?
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    While I appreciate the few donations I've received, there is really no need for it.

    I'd rather people paid me back by telling more people about Vanilla.
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    This forum seems cool, I personally expecting a brilliant success for it!
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks Remo!
This discussion has been closed.