Developing an addon to have its own page view
Hello folks! I have a site deployed running Vanilla (a somewhat hacked up copy of at this point) and have been trying to be good and keep most of my changes in a custom addon opposed to hacking the base distribution. So anyway, I would like to venture in to having an addon create a custom 'page'; pardon me if my terminology is off.
Consider the addon userlist-plugin; it creates a box on the right side with a list of member accounts. I would like to try to implement something like that, but within the main content. Right now I'm hooking Base_Render_Before() to add a custom main menu link called 'People' which links to 'profile/browse' but I'm really not sure how to actually hook the request that comes in to that url or if I'm even going about this in a sane way.
Any direction would be appreciated!
Best Answer
peregrine MVP
it always seem like there are more answers to questions when code is presented. my mistake, I removed the comment above.
BTW, Aolee also wrote a premium application for users on a separate page as well as a plugin. Its available for download from his site. I don't have the link but I did see one in one of these discussions.
So you've looked at the custom page documentation and the readme, I thought it shows the route.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
No love?
edit - removed
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I don't see where you would get #3 or #4 from. I don't have code to post because I'm asking how to go about doing something. No code has been written because it's not a matter of programming logic that I need described, it's a matter of understanding the garden framework. I'm not asking anyone to write the application; I'm asking how to hook a custom route.
Aolee's addon does something similar to what I am trying to do, but his displays in the sidebar. I'm not interested in how the list of users is gathered and displayed; that's easy enough to figure out from many different examples. I want to know how to display information within the site, regardless of what that information may be, in the primary content view.
it always seem like there are more answers to questions when code is presented. my mistake, I removed the comment above.
BTW, Aolee also wrote a premium application for users on a separate page as well as a plugin. Its available for download from his site. I don't have the link but I did see one in one of these discussions.
So you've looked at the custom page documentation and the readme, I thought it shows the route.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
As usual, shortly after the time you start asking around about a particular topic, you discover the answer to your question!
In my class, declaring ProfileController_Browse_Create() winds up equating to index.php?p=/profile/browse
I now feel stupid for asking my vague question, but as I'm beginning to dive deeper into Garden development, I'm beginning to realize how scattered and sparse the documentation is. It's a little frustrating, but I suppose that's one aspect of using a semi-commercial product.
Edit: Found his site and the addon in question:
I think I'll buy it, as it will certainly save me $5 of time
good point the documentation needs an index and some search capabilities within the documentation.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.