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Add to homescreen prompt (web app icon)

edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm looking to have a web app icon for my forum and a prompt (pop-up) to save the webpage as an app/icon to the users mobile desktop.

For the web app icon I believe I can bypass any html and just have the appropriately named images/icons in the right folders.

The code for the prompt though needs to be placed inside the page heading.

Any idea where I can add this html in order to get this to work?

Thanks for the help.


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    whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP


    Vanilla already automatically delivers a mobile version to relevant devices.

    Why do you need an app as well?

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    edited July 2012

    Not really an app...just the icon (desktop bookmark) which loads the mobile web version. For those that aren't very savvy I'd like to show them the way to add the web page/forum icon to their desktop. The prompt is an easy solution...if doable.

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    whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP


    Visiting a Vanilla site on a mobile device always loads the mobile version.

    If you can provide your users with a way to make a shortcut to your site address it is job done.

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    edited July 2012

    "If you can provide your users with a way to make a shortcut to your site address it is job done".

    This is exactly what I'm trying to do mate...we are on the same page.

    I'm trying to prompt a pop-up that explains how to make the shortcut on the users mobile phone desktop. This way the user can access the forum from clicking the icon on their desktop as opposed to finding the bookmark in their browsers bookmark section - This would happen on the users first visit to the "mobile version of the vanilla forum" (my forum). The link I provided above explains and shows a pop-up.

    The pop-up shows them how to save the website/forum as an icon (bookmark/shortcut/link to forum) onto the users desktop. It is done however through a little html...I'm looking for the how to do this (where to place the html/code) to make this happen. The small bit of html is to be placed within the head tags of the site...but there are no head tags in the vanilla software so I'm not sure how to implement this.

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    KasperKasper Scholar of the Bits Copenhagen Vanilla Staff

    You'll need to place the code inside your themes master view file called default.master.php (or .tpl). If you're using the default theme, you'll need to locate the core master view file from somewhere within the "application" directory and then place this in a folder called views in the default theme (the folder might need to created first).

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

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    Thanks mate...I'll play around. I appreciate the help :)

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    whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP


    You would need to edit the default.master in the themes/mobile/views folder to affect what mobile users see.

    The simplest way mght be to add the link as a menu item.

    The mobile default is .tpl rather than .php, but I am sure there are posts on here about how to edit .tpl files if you aren't sure.

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    Worked like a charm. Small pop-up/bubble appears showing the user how to install the shortcut to their home screen...then fades out a few seconds later.

    thanks again @Kasperisager

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