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Sony made funny... again

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Not a shock, but Sony has yet again tripped by his own cleverness. The shock comes from the part of the story where lesson could have been learned but completely siding the facts that were there made Sony fumble again. So what I'm talking about here is the Sony propietary format called UMD, from the beginning I didn't believe in it's success mainly due to the fact that I had seen their earlier media format MiniDisc fall just few years earlier. Sony is a prime example of a company that is greedy with a capitalized g, r, e, d and y. They try to push their (sometimes inferior) formats to the market just because there are huge amounts of money circling in them. Their latest escapade ofcourse, Blu-Ray, is promising like everything else, but might just fall again due to the lack of following through - a feat of Sony that never seems to leave me shy of amazement - like in the earlier two hundred cases. I guess losing Betamax to the hungry mouths just hurts so damn much that Sony just has to keep making new formats for eternity just to feel whole again. I guess I leave the UMD as a movie distributin format in the pile with other Sony blunders of the past. Who knows, maybe they will rise again with ATRAC :D *teehee*
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