[Fix with Vanilla 2.1] Error when adding a tag*
I installed this addon a couple of weeks ago and couldn't get any tag box to appear, I've since completely removed it and re-installed. Now I have a Tag entry box but get the following error when trying to start a new discussion with a Tag or edit an existing discussion by adding a tag. Error text:- {"Code":256,"Exception":"Table 'db261120438.GDN_discussion' doesn't exist|Gdn_Database|Query|select CategoryID\nfrom GDN_discussion discussion\nwhere DiscussionID = :DiscussionID"}
Any ideas please?
most likely - look in the plugin source code and search for the table "discussion" it should be Discussion. I recently had a similar problem with another plugin with the discussion here:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks @peregrine it turned out this was causing lots of other issues so I've removed the plugin and all is back to normal. Thanks again.
I'll mark this one as a bug to fix with Vanilla 2.1, however, by that time the original Tag plugin will have evolved too :-)
There was an error rendering this rich post.
I believe I have provided a temporary fix to this. You can download the 'tweaked' plugin: http://askaboutapple.com/uploads/tagging.zip
I have it functioning on my site (http://askaboutapple.com) so feel free to take a look. The problem is simply poor coding. But for good measure follow the steps below..
1) Ensure you have Vanilla's default Tagging system installed. 2) Deactivate then reactivate Vanilla's Default system. 3) Override the files in /plugins/taggings/ with the .Zip ones.
It should function correctly. The problem was down to very poor coding. Capital letters, SQL Functions etc. I have basically patched them.
Let me know how you get on.
No download here:- http://askaboutapple.com/uploads/tagging.zip ???
no download - but the essential changes needed are documented.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.