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syntax highlighting

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
just something i ran across a few minutes ago, and i thought i might throw this out to you guys. seems like it might be simple to make into an extension.

obviously, the scope of uses for something like this should be pretty small. could be useful here, for all the code-quoting that goes on.

i noticed it action here (towards the bottom of the article where the code is quoted)

it takes javascript or php code and adds fancy syntax highlighting and line numbers via a javascript library.


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    i've made a pretty cool (if i do say so) extension that uses GeSHi to highlight code blocks. it hasn't been released because i'm in the process of updating it to use ajax and the new geshi libraries. it should be done today or tomorrow and i'll post it then.
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    NickENickE New
    edited April 2006
    I think ithcy already made/was working on an extension utilizing GeSHi.

    EDIT: Whoa, weird.
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    awesome. i prefer the look of the one i suggested than the one on the demo pages, but it's just styling differences. i'm sure if you're making it for vanilla, you're going to feel obligated to make it beautiful!
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    well actually i'm just using the supplied geshi css, as i'm far too lazy to change it, but as you're required to install geshi with this extension, you will have access to the css on your server, and you can change it as much as you like ;)
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    There's a PHP function to highlight PHP syntax, I found it the other day.
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