vbadvanced type plugin
I just found a website that is using their forum in a very cool way. Stories that are popular are promoted by admins to the front page where it displays the content of the post and the title of the posts are linked to send you to the thread. This is an AWESOME feature that I would love to use. Has anyone ever heard of something like this for Vanilla Forums? Something that lets you promote important or popular firstt posts of a discussions to a front page (like a blog).
The front page of the forum that I first saw doing this
The admin of this site has nailed and is starting up forums left and right using it.
Looks like it is called
This is a powerful tool that I would love to use on vanilla forums. If anything like this exists please forward me.
If this plugin is not out there I would be interested in donating towards its development.
Just use the blog addon, http://vanillaforums.org/addon/nillablog-plugin
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Trying it now! Thanks
Looks like this does about 98% of what I was looking for! Thanks for the forward.
Since I can't assign posts to multiple forums I would have to remove posts from the forum they were in to a "Top Stories" forum to get them appear like I want. I will submit as a suggested feature for this plugin. Thx again for the forward!
Can you also document what you did on the Vanilla Wiki please? :-)
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Will do. What area of your wiki do you think this belongs and what would you like me to write about? How I used the blog plugin?
Yes, how you used the plugin. I don't know the area yet, maybe create a new area for it? My theory is that when you write the page, you'll figure out a nice area for it too :-) (my personal experience).
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