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Is it possible to override an already declared Controller method?

edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

After a short absence, I'm back with my odd questions. This time I'd like to override ProfileController_Discussions method, but, obviously, I cannot just redeclare it as Vanilla doesn't like having such a conflict.

What I need to do is changing what happens when User opens the /profile/discussions/ page. It's not just a matter of cosmetic changes, I really need to change the logic, therefore I have to implement a Controller.

At the moment, since the "brute force redeclare" doesn't work, I created a Controller with a slightly different name and it works, but it would be nice if it were possible to avoid this workaround.

As usual, thanks for the help.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    We don't really allow redeclares like that right now. Doing what you did is a good idea and you could complete the whole thing by also adding a route that maps /profile/discussions to your new method.

  • @Todd Thanks for the answer, at least I know I made the right choice. By the way, how do I add the route you mentioned?

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2012

    There is a routes link in the Dashboard. You can use regular expressions in it so you can make something like /profile/dashboard(.*) point to /profile/dashboard2$1.

  • @Todd Thanks, I never noticed it. I learned something new!

  • best do the route like so

    ^/profile/discussions(/.*)?$ ->/profile/discussions2$1

    ok it is unlikely that you will have something else with discussions, but it good practice any way.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 I tried to configure the Route as you described, but, if I try to open /profile/discussions, that's exactly the page I get, I don't get routed to my other Controller method. Do I have to enable something to make the routes work?

  • No I made a mistake there is no leading slash


    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 I'm sorry, I feel quite dumb, but I don't seem to be able to make it work.

    To recap, since I can't override Profile_Discussions, I implemented a Profile_DiscussionsList, which can be accessed as /profile/discussionslist. I tried to add a route, so that anyone accessing /profile/discussions would be redirected to /profile/discussionslist, but I can't figure out the syntax.

    I thought something like ^profile/discussions(/.*)?$->profile/discussionslist2$1 would work, as it looks like a normal regex to me, yet I get a 404 when I try to access the routed address.

    Sorry for this repeated question and thanks again for the help.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2012


    take the 2 out

    you are not going to profile/discussionslist2/blah/blah blah

    you are not going to profile/discussionslist/blah/blah blah

    if I answered the question and it worked and saved x00 some time responding maybe he could help me with my asset question - please :)

    If I didn't solve it maybe x00 could help please help me with my asset question :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrine said:

    A-ha! I didn't spot it! I'm getting old... Thanks for the tip. :)

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