Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.


KrakKrak New
edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey man, your site and Vanilla are really kicken ass and takin names. Your doin an awesome job. Just wanted to say thanks, and keep up the good work.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff

    I'm workin' my buns off :)
  • Can I give you a million?
    edited April 2006
    I'll give you 2 million! :D

    Seriously though thanks for everything. I use Vanilla on 2 small private communities and for a very long time I looked for something like this and it works VERY well.

    Love it. You kickass Mark, don't ever give up ;)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You know those teenagers who speed around city streets like complete assholes hoping that someone will say, "Wow, he drives really well. We should put him in a race-car and give him millions. He's a natural!!"

    I think I secretly have that same dream about programming. Well, not so secret anymore.
  • Well you can guarantee that if I ever become a billionare I'll give you at least 20 million :D It's a promise heh.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • ...and if i ever become a millionaire, i will get you a vanilla porsche to race around town with...

    seriously mark, one of us has to get rich.... you are working with good odds here.

    ....thank you for everything.
  • "Hey man, your site and Vanilla are really kicken ass and takin names. Your doin an awesome job. Just wanted to say thanks, and keep up the good work."
    /adds a big fat plus one
  • We all have dreams, for me, I don't want to be rich, my one and only dream is to work in the game industry and I'm busting my butt for that, and I wish that working with Lussumo stuff alone makes you happy, anything extra.. is just extra.
  • edited April 2006
    my one and only dream is to work in the game industry
    dear god, why?
  • My dream is to work in the game industry as well. Either as a community manager (did a bit for Remedy Entertainment and I mod the 3D Realms forums) or as a Game Designer (majoring in it now at Uni).
  • dear god, why?

    How so? You think it's bad? You have experience of the field?

    All the skills I have earned and learned are carefully chosen to aid me in my "quest", I have somewhat a natural talent in graphics design, I can use 4 different 3d modelling packages, I know Photoshop better than the back of my hand, I learned scripting and how game engines work, figured out different pipelines and I occasionally practice writing by writing my own short stories and create worlds in which they take place in (often in great detail from fashion to dialect economy and climate).

    Games and especially making them is my life.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hey, hey, hey.

    back to me
  • Haha.
  • edited April 2006
    Kosmo: I don't doubt your talent, skill, or passion.

    I simply doubt that there is any satisfaction to be had in an industry famous for unpaid overtime, lack of creative control, bad management, that is currently oversaturated with cheap college grads who think the industry is about being paid to play games or hash out broad concept designs, and that will likely suck the pleasure and excitement out of a subject you clearly have a significant amount of enthusiasm for.

    It takes a lot of people to make a modern game, and most of those people are grinding mindnumbingly boring crap for not much money. The few who aren't mostly got in on the ground floor a decade ago.

    That doesn't mean you can't succeed, or won't, just that the deck is stacked heavily against you. I wish you good luck, and hopefully a decade from now you can laugh at me for being so pessimistic.
  • That is definitely true. You hit the nail on the head. Those in the gaming industry don't make very much money and most of the time, like you said, they are putting in extreme ammounts of hours.

    And yes, usually being on that side will kill your gaming hobby as you would most likely see playing other games as work.

    Now having said that the reason I'm interested is because I hardly play many games, I'm always concentrated on the development side of things, always been more interested in that side (aside from the crappy pay of course).
  • I would like to hear your sources for that, since I know over 100 industry workers around the world and mail with them daily, and I know some Finnish and Swedish game developers personally. Sure, things you say are true in very few cases (especially in EA), but it's not common in the industry, yes the industry is very famous for overtime (depending the house if it is unpaid) but so is every other industry that works with deadlines. But believe me, I know the industry so well that if the case would be like what you say, I would know it, though I wouldn't be any less enthusiastic of working in the industry, what can you do when you love it and devote your whole life for it, I'm not jumping in the water with my eyes closed.
This discussion has been closed.