Just can't get Wordpress/Vanilla SSO to work
Hi. Even reading other solutions I'm stuck, hope someone will help.
I am using the Vanilla Forums plugin in wordpress. I have embedded my Vanilla forum into my wordpress site, that part works fine.
I've installed the jsconnect plugin in Vanilla and configured it using the settings from the Wordpress plugin.
Here is where I get lost. If I go to my wordpress site but I'm not logged in as any user, then I go to the embedded Vanilla forum, it displays the button to sign in using my wordpress site. I click on that, and in the iFrame where the forum is embedded I get the Wordpress registration screen. I can register, an email is sent to me for password validation, and I can then log in. I'm logged in as wordpress, however now the entire site is in the iFrame, it doesn't redraw over the entire page. So question number 1 is:
1) In this sign in scenario where can I make the change to target the main page for the login instead of the iFrame where Vanilla is embedded?
While I'm signed in to Wordpress, the iFrame area which was trying to redraw is empty (white) except for the Wordpress admin bar. So question #2 is:
2) After registering and signing in, why doesn't the screen load a proper page? What page should it load at this point? The forums? The home page of the wordpress site?
Finally, while I am logged in to Wordpress with the new registration userID, that ID has not been added to the Vanilla Forums database (checked with phpAdmin). So I am doing something wrong connecting the two. Question #3:
3) I obviously don't have SSO working. Is there anyone experienced who would be willing to help me with this? Thanks.
Nobody can help with SSO? Hoping to go live in 4 days, still can't figure out how to make SSO work. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks. Andy
I have the same problem. Single Sign On is not working (WP 3.4.1, Vanilla Forums 1.1.12).
http://if.ischiam.cz/ and http://if.ischiam.cz/forum
I am not using embed forum, because there were some problems. But I use comment integration and SSO.
When I register on WP/ no record is made in Vanilla/WP database. When I use WP Vanilla Connect plugin for WP it works. But I would like to use official plugin.
Is this Sign In Url ok? http://if.ischiam.cz/wp-login.php?redirect_to={Target}
Should not there by something other in Target?
Thanks for help.
I don't think anyone from the company answers these questions. Too bad. Moving to alternative forum software.
really? nobody answered these questions.
We are not "From" The company, we are "Users" and sometimes we don't have all the answers.
First it is important to learn what SSO is and what it does. And security risks too.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
The company doesn't want to sell this software and they don't have to provide active support to users of self installed versions of the software.
They do sell subscriptions to this software hosted by themselves, in which case they do provide active support.