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How late do you stay at work?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It's just gone 12.08am and I'm still at work. And I don't like it much.

How late do you work? Do you work for yourself, or someone else? (I fall into the latter category)


  • I work for a company, and I usually work overtime. I average about 10 hours a day. Unless I get to work with someone else (not the usual guy), then I only actually "work" 4-6 hours. Most I have worked with this company is about a 12 hour day.
  • I get in about an hour earlier than I need to but that's it for overtime. I don't get paid anywhere near enough to warrant doing overtime. I wouldn't get paid for overtime either so I have no incentive what so ever.

    That said, I'm on call this week and that's a shit deal too.
  • I don't get paid enough to work overtime, I have done some 12-15 hour days in the past, without any monetary gain. I got my own hobbies and my own projects so these days I won't sacrifice a minute more of my free time to work, maybe when they start paying me better or give me some stock or something, but since I don't have any money in this company, all they get is what they paid for. I'm in a lucky position in a way, I set my own deadlines so I won't get "swamped" and I don't have any regrets of quitting this job if my employee tries to muscle me. Viva Independendece!
  • I usually stay about half an hour afterwards, just to talk and catch up with the people who work after me. Other then that I don't really like working overtime.
  • I don't get paid for overtime either :-(
  • I worked 12-hour days spanning across an weekend totaling approximately 28 hours of unpaid overtime. I love my job, but don't think I can afford it.
  • When I'm doing my own projects or something I'm really interested I usually work as long as I'm awake, but voluntarily busting your ass for your employee is just not wise on the long run, if you really have that much energy you really should quit and start working for yourself, then there would be some gain from your long working hours.

    But overall, being a corporate man sucks ass in so many ways.
  • Typically I come in to the office at 7:00am and leave at 3 or 4:00pm. I leave at three when I bring my lunch and eat at my desk. This way I can go play with the horses for a while or take the scenic route home on my motorcycle :)
  • i work 8-5, and the only overtime i ever see is because i'm in the middle of something and can't get away.

    however, to get to work by 8, i leave home at 630am, and i get home at 615-630pm. all my unpaid overtime is spend on the interstate.
  • I just quit my last job about 2 weeks ago to work online full time, and they were giving me problems about a bunch of stuff anyways so I didnt want to deal with it.

    When I was working there, I would work from 3pm till around 3am monday thru thursday, so it was cool having off on the weekends but I had no social life during the week =/. And they didnt like giving overtime so sometimes come thursday we would get out at like 11 or so just to make sure we didnt get that overtime. I would have prefered to stay there till 3 just to get it though - time and half wasnt that bad.
  • "Technically" I work 8-5 at my desk in the office. But depending what's going on, I can be sent out of town, on location, or on air if one of our announcers gets sick, or everyone else is busy. It's the wonderful world of radio. Then there's my web work, usually done at home, often on my own time, but depending what needs to be done, my boss will let me log home time for web work. They pay me well enough for my OT that I don't mind it ... wife occasionally disagrees. That's why I send her away for the summer. LOL I've had paychecks almost double on overtime alone in the summer months. And that's without working on our website at all.
  • sometimes 5am.

    I never stop working unless I'm asleep.
  • I kinda think that the problem isn't unpaid overtime, it's the management of time. Usually when I'm at work in the regular office hours (8am to 4pm) I do "grunt work" I hack away websites and make bugfixes and some advertising things, but my creativity is usually fired up later in the evening when I'm home, so if I have a suitable project I start to work on it at home, I guess I feel bad for not giving my 100% and I drag some work at home, but that is life, I just can't squeeze the creativity in an office environment at 8am, atleast not in this office.
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