No admin email being received for new applicants

Somewhere I read that the admin is supposed to receive an email saying they have a new applicant waiting for approval. I have my registrations set up for admin approval required and are required to confirm their email address first. Am I missing something? I am NOT getting any emails that there is an application waiting for admin approval. How do I make this work correctly?
mail settings are probably not correct in your config.php file
ok…. but this should be set from the install. Advise on how to correct? I know enough coding to be dangerous. lol
Here's an interesting topic about email and their settings:
There was an error rendering this rich post.
the question is does anybody get any mail notifications on your system, or is just the confirm approval to admin just not happening?
i.e. is all sending of mail broken or just the feature you mentioned?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
We get all the other emails… like someone started a new discussion or commented… it's just the email of a new applicant. Thanks for trying to help me!
post the lines in config.php that have the word mail in them.
Don't post your entire config.php
make sure you change the words that you don't want displayed publicly on this forum .e.g your email address and other private info.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
ok, hope this works, I put spaces between lines to read easier here.
FYI I did an install from my host.
$Configuration['Garden']['Title'] = 'Art Scrap Studio';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Salt'] = 'salt';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ConfirmEmail'] = '1';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['Method'] = 'Approval';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ConfirmEmailRole'] = '3';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['CaptchaPrivateKey'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['CaptchaPublicKey'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['InviteExpiration'] = '-1 week';
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['InviteRoles'] = 'a:5:{i:3;s:1:"0";i:4;s:1:"0";i:8;s:1:"0";i:32;s:1:"0";i:16;s:1:"0";}';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SupportName'] = 'Scrap Art Studio Forum';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SupportAddress'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['UseSmtp'] = FALSE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpHost'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpUser'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPassword'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpPort'] = '25';
$Configuration['Garden']['Email']['SmtpSecurity'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['Version'] = '';
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['CanProcessImages'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Installed'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['InstallationID'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$Configuration['Garden']['InstallationSecret'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$Configuration['Garden']['Logo'] = 'TQMS6A72BZ8A.jpg';
$Configuration['Garden']['Theme'] = 'SAStheme';
$Configuration['Garden']['EditContentTimeout'] = '-1';
$Configuration['Garden']['Messages']['Cache'] = 'a:0:{}';
where did you read this?
there is nothing in that does this.
It is sends an email to the applicant, also when you approve or decline. It does send an email notification to the admin email when you have a new applicant.
grep is your friend.
I have seen it several places. One was here that the option was already added… from elifarley with a link to here,
There is a work around there in that thread to edit the class.usermodel.php but if this option was already added, I would not want to do that.
If this is not an option and these people are talking out their butts, it should be! LOL This is one of the most important notifications an admin can get imo. I will not permit everyone to just register as I've seen a whole site taken down from a forum post by a spammer or phishing script posted right in the forum comments. SECURITY is my number one concern. I just can't run a business and be constantly checking the dashboard for new applications and don't want to make people wait all day either for approval. Know what I mean?
OH and that work around appears to be to receive a BCC to the admin for the email confirmation… I want to approve AFTER an email confirmation not before obviously.
grep is your friend.
grep is your friend.
ok, thanks. I assume that the line of
is not true then. I read this that a daily email option was being added in the next version.
Thanks again… guess I'm stuck constantly checking for now.
what he is saying is is it already in 2.1 but there is no timeline for release of non beta.
grep is your friend.
Thanks so much for your time with me on this. There are so many threads with this question and I finally have a real or right answer.
Yeah that took a while to get to when it was a simple answer. Glad you figured it out - i was curious about it too.
Not sure if this is still relevant, but I figured I'd add a workaround based on jfgaut's solution in, so that the forum admin will receive email notification post applicant email confirmation.
Edit: vanilla/applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php
Find: "public function ConfirmEmail($User, $EmailKey)".
For my email message content I used the Name and Email values from the $User array that gets passed to the function. I added the following beneath "$StoredEmailKey = GetValue('EmailKey', $Attributes);":
$UserName = GetValue('Name', $User);
$UserEmail = GetValue('Email', $User);
$emailbodycontent = $UserName.', '.$UserEmail;
Beneath the line "$this->SaveAttribute($UserID, $Attributes);" and before the "return TRUE", add the following:
$Email = new Gdn_Email();
$Email->Subject('Whatever subject you want to include');
Hope this helps someone.