Comment Integration Czech encoding
I tried to use Wordpress and Vanilla integration. I installed jsconnect and WP plugin Vanilla Forums. It is Czech web. Encoding is UTF so it is ok almost. When I activate Comment Integration discussion is rightly created in forum. But there is a problem with encoding.
Post in WP: Vítejte ve WordPressu. Toto je váš první testovací příspěvek. Můžete ho upravit, nebo smazat a postupně pak začít s tvorbou vlastního webu.
Post in Vanilla: VÃtejte ve WordPressu. Toto je váš prvnà testovacà pÅÃspÄvek. Můžete ho upravit, nebo smazat a postupnÄ pak zaÄÃt s tvorbou vlastnÃho webu.
Like during the copying the record between databases it was encoded... But all tables are utf8_unicode_ci and when I create manually topic and use Czech characters it is correct. Problem is only with automatic comment integration.
Does anybody have similar problem? Is there any solution? If no I hope it could help you to make Vanilla better. Thanks.
What is the url of your forum?
Forum topic:
WP post:
I've just got idea, maybe it's bug in Wordpress plugin Vanilla Forums...?
This is down to the scrape after the ProxyRequest with FetchPageInfo. Especially if it is just the initial post.
Personally I would be more concerned about the duplicate content. It would make more sense to retrieve that dynamically, as to not index twice.
Check out the excellent JSON API plugin for wordpress.
grep is your friend.
another way you can do it make sure you have a
<meta name="description"...
Plenty of worpress seo plugins will do that for you, and you can put your own except which is slightly different.
But yes there is an encoding problem when scraping the content.
grep is your friend.
Thanks. helped.
I do not understand this. I think this is best way how to merge post comments and forum topics in forum. This solution is provided by official Vanilla plugins.
actually FetchPageInfo first checks for a description meta, then the first paragraph
That is why I said if the post has a description meta it should take that.
grep is your friend.