Instalation Problems
I have just installed Vanilla forums. Looks great but I have a few problems.
1) First of all I'm not sure if I installed it in the right place. I uploaded everything to a folder called 'forum' on my site and ran the installation. So now I have a URL like this that access my foum "". I have a wordpress blog already on and have just made a menu link to for forum access. I hope that was correct. When using the WP Vanilla Forum plugin integration I chose for my forum page in wordpress also.
2) After setting up the forum integration WP plugin and integrating the comments from WP with the comments in the forum, it is leaving a huge white blank space under the comments. The wordpress theme is Canvas WooTheme. How do I get rid of this huge white space? See example here: (scroll down the page)
3) When using the back end of Vanilla Forum and trying to access anything under the "Forum" heading like categories, flood control, advanced, or flagged content it redirects me to initial installation page and asks for all my database name and database user name stuff again. So its impossible for me to choose categories or anything. Why is that happening? Any way to fix that?
4) How to login to the Forum Back-end? At the moment I'm just using the back button on my browser. But since I have no idea what the login address is I'll be locked out of the backend once I close the browser.