Login Popup is blotching into background of header onclick...

edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi guys the following is happening all of a sudden when I click sign in links:


The only thing I can think of is moving .htaccess file recently but all I had in there was code to call include files that wasn't working anyway.

My css files are:

http://littlebigbiz.co/small business forum/themes/bigmomma/design/custom.css


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Best Answer

  • 422422 MVP
    Answer ✓

    yes is the short answer. but call your forum, something simple , like forum lol ;). clean db install etc etc

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  • 422422 MVP
    edited July 2012

    Your url ?
    Small business forum ... Gaps ? Are a no no for starters

    Dont use spaces in any filenames !

    Read more http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol6/html_no6.htm

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  • @422 thank you, will change that now and report back, thanks!

  • 422422 MVP
    edited July 2012

    no worries ( it should work, if it does , select it as the answer and click a nice icon in my post ;) )

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  • Hey thanks hmm still having the same issue.

    I deleted ini files in cache, restarted and updated file paths for images etc. but still splashing into the header here, strange ?


  • gimme 2 secs

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  • open your site in firefox, open firebug. click console, then refresh your page

    You seem to be running some weird script:

        var issuuConfig = {
            guid: "6fe0f7fe-f3f7-4241-8f55-d24609598ff0",
            domain: "*.petsitterbible.com"
        document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='http://static.issuu.com/smartlook/ISSUU.smartlook.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

    causing a tone of errors, also your code still has %20 gaps ( eg the css file )

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  • Woops sorry in my default.php yes? if so just updated.

    K so used firebug and was showing messages and it repeated line 10 many times, not sure if that's what you were looking for or if I should check anything else? Thanks for your help.

    ISSUU....look.js (line 1)

    ISSUU....rver.js (line 10)

  • and re: domain: "*.petsitterbible.com"

    That's one of my other domains...

  • 422422 MVP
    edited July 2012

    You still have broken image paths etc, check your config file for url path. Probably needs changing too

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  • dtp56 said:
    restarted and updated file paths for images etc

    I'm sorry, but how did you restart? How did you assemble your theme? I would double check everything once you get this thing sorted out, because even the 404 errors direct you to another site...

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  • Switch off minify too if you have it running. Once a forum has been deployed, its not wise to change master folder names without shizznit breaking

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  • Hi @UnderDog sorry I meant I refreshed the page.

    re: 404 I believe I copied and pasted a .htaccess file from another site and then changed some it, maybe I saved it before I changed it?

    @422 thanks but sorry not sure what this means:

    "Switch off minify too if you have it running"

  • 422422 MVP
    edited July 2012

    Noticed you are breaking some cardinal rules.

    < div id="header">
            < header id="header">

    id can only be declared once per page, class can be decalred repeatedly.

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  • PS: do you guys think I should start from scratch?

  • 422422 MVP
    Answer ✓

    yes is the short answer. but call your forum, something simple , like forum lol ;). clean db install etc etc

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  • Okay my friends will do, thanks for all your help, I'm sure I'll be back for something (:

  • My answers keep disappearing on here !

    weird... perhaps vanilla has id glitches too ! thats 2 i have spotted in last 10 minutes. Oh and do not mix your domains up, like your newsletter signup ! etc

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  • Hmm strange and gotcha but re: sign up the domain listed there I think is my username for my wufoo account, is that what you are saying? thanks again.

  • 422422 MVP
    edited July 2012

    when I click on the newsletter thing, or is it the be alerted signup.. it fires your pet domain ( supposedly ) for js or form action.

    Yep wufoo.

    < div id="wufoo-k7w1m3">
    Fill out my < a href="http://petsitterbible.wufoo.com/forms/k7w1m3">online form.

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  • @422 k thanks, these problems are above my knowledge so hopefully a clean install will do it

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